chapter 13

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iris pov

"iris pack your things" mike said when he woke me up. what? why? I was so confused and my head hurt from all the yelling last night.

"I'll explain later just go pack" I nodded my head and left the room closing the door behind me. I started walking back to my room when I  heard heavy footsteps coming up the stairs. I looked back to find dad crying and, wearing a blanket for pants? well know I know what he did last night. eww.

he looked at me and started running towards me scaring me then he wrapped his arms around my waste.

"iris no you can't leave me! dont let him take you away from me! I love you! I'm sorry please don't leave me!" he said while sobbing into my shoulder holding me tight. I was so confused. I saw mike and jaime run out of there rooms, mike tried to get dad of of me and jaime tried pulling me away.

"no no no iris don't let them take you!! I'm sorry!" dad yelled. jaime finally got me free and we both fell on the floor. dad looked and mike furiously.

"you did this. you did this! you  can't take her away!" he said while pushing mike up against the wall. mike pushed dad back when dad tried punching mike in the face but luckily he ducked and dad hit a picture hanging on the wall.

the picture of mom

it shattered into a million pieces and all the events that happened when she died played over in my mind. it was like her dying all over again, but this time dad was the one who killed her.

"MOM!" I screamed at the top of my lungs."MOM NO! YOU KILLED HER!" jaime covered my eyes and pulled me to his chest while I sobbed and started hitting and kicking his arms and legs to get him to let me go. he pulled me into my room and finally loosened his grip making me fall on the ground while all of the images of mom dying and the picture breaking replayed over and over in my head.

3d person pov

iris layed in jaimes arms on the floor crying watching her mom die over and over again in her head. it was times like this when she wanted to die and be with her mom.

vic collapsed on the floor next to the broken picture wondering what he'd done. he stared at the picture thinking of how much he must have hurt his daughter once again. just hearing her yell for her mother like that was enough to know that she was in pain. why did he end up hurting her so much when all he wanted to do was help her. he felt like a monster.

mike pulled vic back and stood in front of him while tony cleaned up the picture. vics hand was bleeding from punching the glass but he didn't care. he liked the pain. it reminded him of when he was younger and this made him feel better. but this hurt him even more knowing he hurt the ones closest to him.

"I know you didn't want any of this to  happen. you  need to understand that your hurting people. I hate to see too like this. while we're gone you have to find what you want. try and find yourself again because I think that the real vic is lost and this vic is hurting people." he heard his brother say. it was true, the real vic was lost somewhere. he wanted to stop hurting everyone. mike got up and went to his room to pack, tony doing the same while iris was still wondering how her dad could hurt her so much like this.

she waned her real dad back


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