vic's pov
"babe Im not sure if it's safe to take that much medicine, I know you need them but what if you accidentally overdose?"
"vic relax I'll be fine. besides it was all prescribed by the doctor and he should be a professional right? I would never leave you, I promise" Alex said. my girlfriend. we have a beautiful baby girl. she's 5 so I guess she's not exactly a baby anymore. her name is Iris. Alex has depression and some other issues and she needs to take a lot of medication.
"hopefully he's a professional. besides if you overdosed I couldn't live without you, you no that right?"
"that's so sweet. and don't worry, I would
never leave you, no matter what. promise."
"thank god. come on let's go to bed."
"night love you" she said while looking into my eyes.
"love you to babe." I said while kissing her.
...."vic get your ass up we have to go to the studio" goddamit mike can't I sleep in for once. me Alex iris and mike live together because we can't afford a house by ourselves so we split the rent.
"yea yea whatever." I got up and stretched and tried to wake Alex up so she could go to work.
"Alex babe wake up" nothing
"Alex wake up" I started shaking her but still nothing. she was never a heavy sleeper...I hate to say it but she looks dead
I checked for a pulse but nothing. no she's not gone, she can't be gone.
"ALEX WAKE THE FUCK UP YOU PROMISED. YOU PROMISED YOU WOULD NEVER LEAVE!!!!!" I'm now yelling her name while tears stream down my face when mike walked in
"dude its seven in the morning shut up!"
"call an ambulance now! I-I think she overdoesed."
"o-oh god" he said while nodding his head and running out of the room.
Iris p.o.v.
I woke up to someone yelling. I think it was daddy. I wonder why he was yelling. I got out of bed and decided to go see what happened when I saw uncle mike running down the hallway.
"uncle mike what's wrong?" he looked at me, was he crying?
"just go in downstairs ok?"
"now ok don't ask questions!" he yelled. it scared me a little so I went downstairs and watched tv. after a while I saw an ambulance in the driveway and some strange men came in and uncle mike lead them upstairs and the came back down with mommy and daddy left with them. why where they taking mommy?
"iris go upstairs and get dressed ok?" I nodded my head and got dressed. I came back down and we got in the car and left. we ended up at the hospital. this can't be good.
we walked in and we saw daddy sitting on a chair crying. he looked up and saw us and started crying even more. he looked at mike and shook his head and knelt down to face and put a hand on my shoulder.
"Iris, do you no why were here?" I shook my head.
"sweetie, mommy...she..she's dead."
"what?" that's when he lost it. he hugged me and stated to cry again. she's gone? she can't be.

tangled in the great escape. (pierce the veil)
FanficIris Fuentes..yes as in vic fuentes daughter. cool right? iris loves her dad but it's not all happy rainbows and shit her mom died when she was 5 and shes been going through Hell ever since. her dad and the rest of the band think she's happy but on...