iris pov
I ran home as fast as I could with tears streaming down my face. I reached the door and ran up to my room not bothering to shut the front door. I ran up to my room and slammed and locked the door.
I looked in my mirror and I looked like a got hit by a bus, which wouldn't be a horrible thing at the moment. I could see a picture of my mom dad and me tapped to the mirror.
ugh why couldn't she be here? why did she have to leave. I loved danielle and dad together but it bothered me that he just moved on from her like that. its like he forgot all about her.
I took a pen and paper and started to write down my final words
to whoever
I'm sorry I had to leave but I just cant handle this pain anymore. its too much to handle. but it's my time to go now. people hate me for some reason I dont know but if they look at me the way I look at myself I can see why. dad, I love you so much and never forget that ever. you and danielle are perfect for eachother. don't let me hold you back anymore than I am now. I love you all so much. maybe when I die I'll finally be beautiful, and I know ill be happy. so it's ok I'm leaving. its better like this anyways.
don't you ever forget about me.
iris amelia Fuentes
I grabbed my phone and said my goodbye to dad. he was the one I felt bad leaving but I knew he could live without Me. but it was better like this, this way I wasn't holding him back
I looked in the mirror one last time before my fist collided with it making shards of glass fly everywhere. I fell to the ground screaming and picked up a piece of glass slicing it across both of my wrists. I watched the blood drip down my arm to the floor. my eyelids started to get heavy and my body started to go limp. the last thing I remember was seeing the picture of my once happy family on the floor before I faded away
I'm finally free
vic pov
me and danielle were on our way home talking when my phone interrupted us.
iris- goodbye daddy I love you
goodbye? did she mean goodnight? but it was only 8 and she's never texted or even called before to say goodnight
"vic look out!" danielle screamed grabbing the wheel before he could slid into a ditch.
"oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't-"
"vic what's wrong"
"iris. something's not right" I said before stepping on the gas racing home.
I could see the front door was wide open and now I knew something was wrong. we both ran in the house looking for iris
"is she upstairs?" we both ran up the stairs. I tried to open her door but it was locked.
"stand back" I said. I started to ram into the door trying to open it
1..nothing moved a little
3... and the door flew open.
I scanned the room looking for iris seeing nothing but broken glass and...a bloody hand?
"iris!" I knelt down next to her seeing she was covered in blood and her wrists were still slightly bleeding. I checked for a plus and felt almost nothing but there was still something there. I took my sweater and shirt off and wrapped them around her wrists to get the bleeding to stop. I turned around to see danielle standing there in shock.
"p-please please call an ambulance"
cliffhanger mothertruckers!!! Srry had to
what you think will happen next?!?! comment some suggestions please cause Idk really what ima do next.
follow me on my social media's below
instagram(I have 3): all.time.sexicans, psychosocial.kid, _asylum__
twitter: xxbandsarelife
snapchat: piercethebrook
I promise I'll update a lot soon. I hope u like it.

tangled in the great escape. (pierce the veil)
FanfictionIris Fuentes..yes as in vic fuentes daughter. cool right? iris loves her dad but it's not all happy rainbows and shit her mom died when she was 5 and shes been going through Hell ever since. her dad and the rest of the band think she's happy but on...