chapter 19

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vic pov

danielle left the room to call an ambulance while I stayed by my dying daughters side. why would she do this? what could've made her do this? was it me? was this whole thing my fault?

before I knew it the ambulance came and they put her on a gurney. I held her hand as we went down the stairs. I looked at danielle standing by the door.

"go ill meet you at the hospital" I couldn't reply, I could barely talk at all anyways so I just nodded my head as we ran out the door.

-at the hospital-

once we got there they took her away. our hands were ripped apart and I suddenly found my voice

"NO DON'T TAKE HER AWAY FROM ME PLEASE!!!!!" I said while running after her. I was about to grab her hand when two security guards pulled me back. I did all I could to get them to let me go but nothing worked. I watched as they rushed her into a room. I couldn't see a thing anymore, I needed to know that my baby girl was ok.


"sir please stop yelling if you keep it up your gonna have to leave" leave? I'm not leaving. I collapsed to the ground in tears. the guards pulled me up and took me to a waiting room and left.

danielle pov

I watched the ambulance race away. I couldn't believe that this happened. I was devastated, I didn't know iris that well but that I still felt really close to her and I knew that vic loved her to death and if she died a part of vic would die too. I walked back upstairs and grabbed a shirt for vic considering he was still probably shirtless. then I walked to iris' room & cleaned the blood and glass up. I saw a note on the floor and picked it up discovering it was a suicide note. my heart cracked reading it. who would've hurt her enough to do this? I cleaned everything else up and headed to the hospital.

when I got there I entered the waiting room and saw vic. I handed him a shirt and and the note and sat next to him.

"whats this"

"I found in iris' room when I was picking up" he nodden and read it. I watched his facial expressions change from confused to heart broken. by the time he finished reading it he was in tears.

"its gonna be ok. she's gonna be ok" I said while he  cried into my shoulder even though I wasn't sure if what I said was true or not.

vic pov

we sat there for a couple of hours either in silence or me crying until finally a doctor came in.

"victor Fuentes?"

"y-yes? I-is s-she ok?"

"I'm sorry to say this but your daughter is in a coma"


another cliffhanger Srry bout that but not really.

& when I say in in a 'coma' I don't mean Christian coma. Srry if I confused u.


but anyways ill probs b updating a lot more so enjoy


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