mikes pov
Vic and I were waiting at the hospital in the waiting room. vic looked numb, like he'd done something horrible. he had silent tears running down his face and holding a blank stare at the floor.
"mike, I did it again"
"you did what again?"
"I-I I hurt her"
he hurt her again?
"how, how could you do that?"
"I don't know ok? I'm so stupid"
"yea you are" he replied with a death glare
"iris Fuentes?"
vic pov
I stood up and walked over to the doctor
"is she ok?"
"yes she's ok, but I do have one question, do you know where all of the cuts on her arms and legs came from? I can see that some were from self harm but many of them had glass stuck in them"
"s-she fell" i said in a whisper
"excuse me?"
"she fell, she fell down the stairs into a glass cabinet" the doctor nodded
"well, she's fine now, only some minor cuts and bruises, she should be fine, you can take her home if you'd like, I'll go get her" he left and returned with iris
"come on baby lets go home"
iris pov
we drove in silence dropping mike off then heading home. dad, or vic parked in the garage and shut the car off. I started to get out but he grabbed my arm
"iris I'm sorry, I'm sorry I hurt you again"
'no your not'
"can we talk, please?" I shook my head
"please" I got my arm out of his grip and ran out of the car to my room with dad chasing after me.
I locked the door and pushed my dresser in front of it. i grabbed a pen and paper and wrote:
I'm tired of feeling this way. I'm tired of being made fun of, tired of not being good enough.
I'm sorry, but I'm not sorry. this is the only thing that will ever make me happy. I'm not your happy little girl anymore, i haven't been the same iris for years, I'll never be the same. this is it, now I can't hold you back anymore. now I'll be happy, I'll be with mom.
I'm not afraid to die
I don't want you to cry, I don't want you to care, don't you dare pray for me.
I grabbed the bottle of pills and my razor. I dumped the pills in my hand and dumped them down my throat making me gag, I was practically choking on death. I grabbed my razor and slit both my wrists.
"iris! open she door please!" I could feel my body slowing down, I could feel myself dying
"I love you daddy" then I faded away
now I bet you hate me
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tangled in the great escape. (pierce the veil)
FanficIris Fuentes..yes as in vic fuentes daughter. cool right? iris loves her dad but it's not all happy rainbows and shit her mom died when she was 5 and shes been going through Hell ever since. her dad and the rest of the band think she's happy but on...