chapter 17

414 13 2

iris pov

home, I was finally home. I got back a while ago and for some reason I'm really happy. Luke and I were on a good basis, we talked practically everyday. dad and danielle looked really happy together to. it just seemed like everyone was in a good mood. I was finally happy and I was about 4 weeks clean. :D

luke- can u meet me at the skate park?

iris-sure I'll b there soon <3

dad and danielle went out on a date for a while so I just left. I left a note on the counter just so dad didn't freak out. I don't want that again. so I headed to the park.

when I got there I  could see Luke leaning up against a building

"hey lukie-pookie" don't judge US we have strange nicknames for eachother

"I think there's something u should know" he said while looking at the ground. was he smiling?

"w-what is it" I asked nervously. he looked up giving me an evil grin

"surprise" then I felt someone grab me from behind

"you scream and I'll break all your bones got it?" then I saw katie walk up to Luke and Kiss him.

what was going on?

"what?" I said in barely a whisper

"oh look the little cunts confused" katie said making everyone laugh but me.

"you don't get it do you. this was all a joke. I never cared about you and never will. no one will. it was all a game to get you to open up to us without knowing just so we could tear you down" Luke said

"smile" katie said. I then realized someone with a camera video taping??? then felt something gooey on my head, raw eggs?

"aww look the little emo bitch is crying" I then could feel the tears running down my face, then before I knew it katie had my hair in her hands.

"this is for kissing my boyfriend" then she kneed me in the stomach and pushed me to the ground. then I could feel people kicking me and throwing stuff at me. why were they doing this how could people be this evil?

"don't worry this shouldn't hurt considering how much fat you have" I heard Luke say then I felt someone kick me in the ribs and I swore I heard a crack. it went on and on, they just wouldn't stop.

"see ya round slut" then they walked away.

I somehow found the strength to sit up after what felt like forever laying on  the ground. this was it. this was why I couldn't trust anyone. I'm done trying. I can't do this anymore.

this is the last time anyone will ever hurt me


Srry I haven't been updating much. I've had a lot going on but enough with my boring life because freakin tits my life sucks balls.

&Srry it's kinda short but ima try and update again tonight so umm yea so

enjoy :P


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