iris pov
I layed in bed staring at the ceiling. was I trying to get better? yes I was, I had good days, but i also had my bad days, like today.
after the guys left they all got their own places or they continued to stay with there girlfriend's. with there only being two people in the house dad decided to move. I couldn't stand the thought of moving. moving ment going somewhere mom will never see, somewhere moms never been, I felt like I was leaving her behind.
my room was filled with boxes, all that was left was the mattress sitting on the floor. dad and the guys went in and out grabbing boxes and loading them in the car.
"iris, can we have your mattress now?" jaime and mike came up and asked
"ugh" then I rolled off the mattress landing face first on the floor
"listen kid, I know it's hard but its.better this way" I nodded my head and they took my mattress away leaving my room empty.
"iris, time to go" dad said
"I-I'll be right down" I said standing up and looking around my empty room for the last time.
I couldn't explain it but when I looked around its like I saw myself grow up, all the memories hit me like a brick, both good and bad.
"mommy, I-I'm sorry I'm leaving, b-but I have to, its better like this. I love you mom" I said. I looked around and took a deep breath and walked out and shut the door behind me. I walked down the hall as slow as I possibly could. I stood at the top of the stairs looking around at the bare walls. my hand gripped the metal railing making my knuckles turn white. I walked down the stairs to find dad waiting for me.
"you ready my little flower" a smile crept on my lips at the nickname he used. mom used to call me her little flower since my name is iris.
"no" I said truthfully
"I know, I'm sorry we're moving but-"
"no it's fine, don't apologise for this. I understand why were moving, its just hard. I feel like I'm leaving mom behind"
"iris look at me" he said putting his hand on my shoulder. "I feel the same way, but she'll always be with us nomater what"
"I know, c-can we leave before I start crying and change my mind and start holding onto the door?" i said
"of course" we headed out the door and headed to our new home while I watched the house fade away in the mirror.
Idk where this is really going anymore so....Idk how long this books gonna last. but hang with me
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tangled in the great escape. (pierce the veil)
FanfictionIris Fuentes..yes as in vic fuentes daughter. cool right? iris loves her dad but it's not all happy rainbows and shit her mom died when she was 5 and shes been going through Hell ever since. her dad and the rest of the band think she's happy but on...