iris pov
I somehow managed to get up and drag myself to my room which wasn't that far away. I put on a sweater and pulled the hood over my head, and I was wearing black skinny jeans so they were just ripped a little and you couldnt see the blood seeping through.
"iris we're back, iris, iri-what the hell?" he must have seen the broken glass, I'll just have to come up with an excuse
"iris! what the hell did you do? I'm gone for 20 minutes and you mess the smallest thing up?!" he barged through the door looking furious
"I-I was"
"you were what?!" for some reason I couldn't find the words, I couldn't talk and my chest tightened and it got harder to breath.
"whoa dude what happened?" mike said walking down the stairs. I started shaking then my knees gave out and I started flopping around on the floor.
"dude she's having a seizure! what do we do?" mike yelled. my mouth started foaming and my skin started to turn a sickly green color and my eyes went to the back of my head and I faded into darkness
do you hate me yet? no, wait a chapter or two.
Srry it's short & I'm running out of ideas so it probably won't last very much longer so if u wanted something in it comment or message me & I'll see what I can do
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tangled in the great escape. (pierce the veil)
FanfictionIris Fuentes..yes as in vic fuentes daughter. cool right? iris loves her dad but it's not all happy rainbows and shit her mom died when she was 5 and shes been going through Hell ever since. her dad and the rest of the band think she's happy but on...