iris pov
we pulled up to a decent sized house after a while. it wasn't even close to how big our other house was. I stepped out of the car while everyone else unloaded boxes.
"I'll show you around" dad said. on the left side of the house there was a two car garage with a door leading to the house. we walked through the door in the garage and there was a closet a bedroom and a food storage thing on the right and the otherside was a bathroom. then the kitchen and livingroom and a bedroom which I was assuming was dad's.
"you can either have the bedroom upstairs or the room downstairs, which one?"
"what's gonna be downstairs?"
"umm a storage room? we were gonna put like a couch and tv down there, and a bathroom"
"your gonna take over that whole space over aren't you"
"ok we'll bring your stuff down there then" I nodded and he continued to bring boxes in while I went downstairs to check it out.
it was a nice house and all, but it still didn't feel right leaving mom behind
1 week later
we're mostly moved in, there's still some boxes laying around but we had a lot of help and also got rid of a lot so there wasn't much.
over the week my depression has gotten worse and worse, I wanted to tell dad but he seemed so stressed out with moving and working on the new album and selling the other house, I didn't want me to stress him out even more.
I was in the kitchen helping dad unpack some dishes and not paying much attention to what I was doing, I was setting glass plates on the counter and somehow missed the counter and about four plates fell on the floor breaking in the process.
"shit! iris what the hell? aren't you paying attention at all?" I was taken back by him yelling at me like that
"I-I'm sorr-"
"no, ya no what? its fine, just go downstairs and do something without messing it up, can you do that?" I looked at my feet so he couldn't see me crying
"k-Kay" I said running downstairs to my room. I locked the door and dug through a box until I found what I was looking for
my old shiny little friend
I took the razor and slid it across my wrist multiple times until I felt satisfied.
why can't you do anything right without messing it up? the fire girl said, or as I called her blaze
"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean to"
you never mean to, i guess that's just who you are, your that pathetic girl who ruins everything
"I know! you don't have to tell me this when you've said it a million
times before!" then she disappeared once again. she was right though, she's always right.
2 days later (Srry if I'm skipping around a lot)
for the past two days all I've seemed to do was upset dad with the littlest things or things that aren't even my fault. like I'll mess something up and he'll tell me to go do something else then he'll yell at me for not helping. I was still cutting,quite a lot but he's to blind and stupid to notice.
he went to mikes for something leaving me home alone. before he left he made pizza for us, mine was still sitting in front of me. both the smell and look made me want to vomit. realizing I wasn't going to eat it I threw it in the trash
everything's gone back to the way it was before, I knew nothing would change.
I walked back to the stairs but stopped at the top, looking at a glass cabinet at the bottom of the stairs, my hand clutching the railing.
I wanted to feel pain, I needed to, but cutting and starving myself wasn't enough.
just do it, you know you want to
blaze said in the back of my head. my hand slowly left the railing.
I needed to feel the pain
before I knew it I threw myself down the stairs into the cabinet. it surprisingly didn't fall on me but when I hit it the glass broke and I fell on the floor next to it. I looked at it and I could see blood dripping from it.
I could feel the pain, I could feel the blood oozing out of my arms and legs. in some strange way, this made me happy. but then i heard the garage door open.
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tangled in the great escape. (pierce the veil)
FanfictionIris Fuentes..yes as in vic fuentes daughter. cool right? iris loves her dad but it's not all happy rainbows and shit her mom died when she was 5 and shes been going through Hell ever since. her dad and the rest of the band think she's happy but on...