vics pov.
where the Hell is iris? she was supposed to be home like two hours ago. and she won't pick up her phone either.
"mike have you heard from iris?"
"she still isn't some yet?"
"what do you think" I yelled starting to get angry.
"whoa dude just calm down" tony said.
"yea she's probably fine. if something was wrong she would call" jaime said.they may be trying to make me feel better but they were failing. I heard the door open. god I hope it's iris. I walk to the door and sure enough, there's iris, drenched from the rain.
"iris where were you? why didn't you call?"
"I-I'm sorry I missed the bus and my phone was dead" she said while covering her face with her hood. something was up.
"hey are you ok?'
"yea I'm fine. I'm just gonna go change out of these wet clothes" she said walking past me with her arms held to her chest. somethings not right.
iris pov
of course out of all the times dad's not home he has to be home today. I walk in the house and am greeted by dad.
"iris where were you? why didn't you call?" he sounded kinda pissed off.
yea cause he has you for a daughter dipshit. think of a lie think of something.
"I-I'm sorry I missed the bus and my phone was dead" the firs part wasn't a lie. I was trying to cover my face since the rain washed off all the makeup on my face so you can see all of the bruises. fuck you rain.
"hey are you ok?" no no no he can't know, not yet.
"yea I'm fine. I'm just gonna go change out of these wet clothes." I said walking past him still hiding my face and clutching my wrist because it was still bleeding.
once I got upstairs in my room I stripped of my wet clothes and looked in the mirror
I look away and put on stome pjs and a sweater with a hood. and also wrap my arm up when there was a knock at the door.
"can I come in please?" dad.
"umm yea..sure" he comes in and sits in the bed.
"what's going on iris?"
"n-nothing is going on" very convincing.
"I don't think that's true iris. now why were you late coming home and why are you hiding your face?" I just pull the hood over my head more. I'm screwed.
"iris look at me" I look up at him and hide my face with my hair.
"iris look at me" he said more sternly.
"I am looking at you." he sighs
"I mean show me your face" I shake my head no and start to back up against the wall but he just scoots closer and moves my hair. once he sees my face he gasps.
"Iris who did this to you" I couldn't talk anymore. I just sat there and could feel tears start to run down my face.
"iris who did this"
"p-people at school"
"why" I could hear sadness in his voice.
"they just don't like me"
"how long have hey done this"
"a long time, every day" is all I say while looking at my hands.
"why didn't you tell me" I shrug my shoulders and he pulls me into a hug when I break down into tears.
"I-I'm s-sorry"
"you have nothing to be sorry for darling, I'm sorry I didn't know this was happening to you. your not gonna .go to school tomorrow ok?" I nod my head and he kisses my cheek and leaves me to cry my eyes out eventually crying myself to sleep.
Srry for the short chapter. and try to excuse the spelling mistakes I'm trying so umm yea. like and comment what you think

tangled in the great escape. (pierce the veil)
FanfictionIris Fuentes..yes as in vic fuentes daughter. cool right? iris loves her dad but it's not all happy rainbows and shit her mom died when she was 5 and shes been going through Hell ever since. her dad and the rest of the band think she's happy but on...