chapter 29

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vics pov

iris got out of my grip and ran to her room with me chasing after her. I got to the door but i couldn't twist the knob and i heard her pushing something up against the door.

what could she be doing? all I wanted was to apologise, I want things to go back to the way it was when she was little, but I kept screwing up.

"iris! open the door please" I could hear her sobbing on the other side of the door, then it stopped. I threw my body against the door repeatedly until I got it opened.

I saw iris laying next to a bottle of pills and her wrists covered in blood.

"no no no no no iris, iris please please wake up! no don't you dare leave me! you can't!" I picked her up in my arms and held her to my chest. I looked for a plus but found nothing.

no, she wasn't gone, she couldn't be.

I took out my phone and dialed 911. waiting for the ambulance seemed like an eternity, when they got here they took her out of my arms, they took her away from me.

iris, please keep holding on, please, don't leave me.

at hospital

3d person pov

vic paced back and forth in the waiting room waiting for someone to come out and tell him his daughter was alive and well, or even better wake him up from this miserable nightmare he'd been living.

a doctor came out with his eyes on the floor



"I'm sorry to say this, but, she's gone. we tried everything we possibly could. I'm so sorry" vic couldn't hold back his sobs anymore, he came undone as he collapsed on the floor cursing at god

that was the day the one and only unbreakable Vic Fuentes broke, he'd lost his daughter to the devil, he'd lost the one and only thing he had left, the one and only thing he ever cared about more than his band, hell more than the wife he once had. he'd lost it all.


the day of the funeral had come and with the help of his family vic had somehow made himself look at least halfway decent. he had bags under his eyes and his cheeks were red and tear tear stained from crying constantly.

he ride in the passenger seat of the car with mike driving to the funeral. during the service he kept his eyes glued on iris praying that she would wake up and it was just a sick prank. but that never happened. he began sobbing once again and bolted up running towards the casket but mike and his own father held him back.

he looked up to see his daughter standing in front of him looking more beautiful than ever.

"its ok daddy, I'm happy now. I wanted it to be this way, this was how it was suppose to happen. it wasn't your fault" but it was, it was his fault, and he knew it.

"I love you daddy" then she disappeared leaving vic feeling more lonely than ever.

there was nothing he could do, nothing anyone could do to bring her back, nothing anyone could do to make him happy again.


yea, y'all hate me now

so there might be one more chapter but don't get ur hopes up

& btw I was not trying to copy any other stories if u were wondering

so umm yea..

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