120 days before

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'What do you wanna do today?' Sienna chimed, opening the curtains as her boyfriend awoke begrudgingly. 'Nothing, come back to bed' Tommy groaned, holding his arms out for her. Sienna rolled her eyes before smiling and making her way into his arms. He pulled her in tightly, nestling his head in her hair. They lay for a minute, content in each other's arms. 'What are these?' He groaned, tugging lightly at her clothes. 'It's my new dress' She said, swatting his hand away playfully. 'I don't like it, take it off' he lied, looking up at her with a goofy smile.

'Yes you do, you're the one who bought it' she said, raising her eyebrow. 'Mmm, I changed my mind' Tommy teased, slowly running his hand up her thigh and underneath her dress. 'I think you should take it off' he whispered, his gaze flickering between her lips and her eyes. 'I bet you do' she whispered back, before kissing him softly. He slowly pulled the dress off her body, watching as she bit her lip.

She lay down flat as he hovered over her, observing her naked body on his bed. He had seen it quite a few times now, but he had yet to get over how truly perfect he thought she was. He looked back up, meeting her gaze. She blushed heavily, and he couldn't grasp how someone so beautiful couldn't even see it. 'I fucking love you' he sighed, before leaning down and kissing her passionately.


'Do you fancy going the pictures tonight?' Tommy asked Sienna. It was 6pm, and he had met her at the hospital after her shift. She smiled excitingly, 'I'd love that' she told him and he nodded. They walked into the Garrison a few minutes later, having decided to grab a drink before the film. Tommy hadn't really been in the Garrison since everything went down with Olly, it had been almost 2 months, but he felt it best not to aggravate the situation further than needs be.

When the couple walked in, they spotted Olly immediately. He turned to look at them, a look of anger and disgust on his face. 'Let's just go' Tommy whispered, ushering his girlfriend out of the door. She shook her head, 'enough is enough Tom' she said, before walking over to her brother.

'I've got nothing to say to you right now sis' Olly said, turning away from her and facing the bar. 'Oliver' she sighed, 'He's your best friend for christ sake. Please, I don't want this to get in between the two of you.' she pleaded, but he simply shook his head. 'It already has, Sen' he took a swig of his beer, avoiding her eye.

'Please, brother. You love me, and you love him. You know he's a good man, that he'll be good to me. Would you not rather I date a man you can trust above all the other men in Small Heath.' She pleaded once more, and he sighed. She was right, he thought, and he'd be lying if he said he didn't miss Tommy. 'Please, Oliver. For me' He looked at her, her eyes pleading and he nodded.

'Shelby, get your arse over here' he shouted, and Sienna looked over at her boyfriend who looked confused and anxious. 'You can buy me a drink' he told Tommy, and Sienna smiled. He nodded, 'Double whiskey please' he asked the barman, before turning to Olly. Olly looked him once over, before shaking his hand. 

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