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Sienna had become accustomed to men staring at her all of her relatively short life. She was undeniably beautiful, after all. They had never been as intense though, as they were now. Maybe that's because her brother was dead, maybe its because everybody thought she was crazy, or perhaps she'd just never really noticed it before.

Sienna was sat drinking a whiskey at The Garrison, unfazed by the whispers and the stares. She pretended she hadn't noticed when John sat next to her, but she obviously had. 'You've been avoiding me' he said, and she cocked an eyebrow.

'That would imply I cared' she said plainly, taking another sip of her drink. John furrowed his eyebrows, 'Are you telling me you don't?' he inquired, looking for any sign of the girl he once called his best friend. 'What do you think?' she asked, her expression and tone void of any emotion. John sighed, unsettled by the person she had quite clearly become, 'What the fuck happened to you out there, Sen' John pressed, becoming increasingly infuriated by her cold stance.

Sienna didn't respond for a while, just taking a breath before looking up at him. 'Is this the part where I burst into tears?' she taunted, unsure of what he had expected to gain from this conversation. 'Is that how you imagined this would go?' She asked, and he just scoffed. She laughed, 'I haven't seen you this upset since I chose your brother over you...' she jabbed, and his eyes went wide.

Sienna was momentarily distracted by the sound of 2 Irish men emerging from the private room of The Garrison. Tommy followed them out,  watching them out the door before making his way over to the bar.  She listened as he spoke to the pretty barmaid, the two of them quite clearly flirting. She could hear the conversation faintly, intrigued by his mention of her 'coming to the races'.

John scoffed once more, bringing Sienna's attention back to him. 'If I ever loved you Sen, those feelings are dead seeing you like this. We all went through shit over there, it doesn't give you the right to act like a heartless fucking bitch' John spat, but it was clear that he was still hoping for some sort of emotional response from her.

'What's going on here?' Tommy walked over, his voice calm and collected as ever. 'I think John here might need a time-out, he's got himself all worked up' Sienna teased, and John stood from his chair. 'Oh fuck off' he said, and Tommy just looked at the women he once loved so deeply with no emotion at all. 'Come on John, we've got business to attend to' he said, leaving the beautiful women sat alone once more.

Sienna made her way over to the bar, ordering a whiskey from the girl Tommy had just spoken to. 'What's your name?' She asks as she poured the whiskey into a glass. 'Grace' she told her, and Sienna nodded. 'Yours?' Grace asked. Sienna admired the confidence she had, but still, she had a bad feeling about the pretty Irish barmaid. Then again, that was probably because she was more than likely fucking her soon to be ex-husband.

'Sienna...Shelby' she responded, and it was clear from Grace's reaction that Tommy had not spoken about her at all. 'Oh, I hadn't realised' Grace said, and Sienna pretended to be confused. 'Well that's strange, you and my husband seem rather close.' She said.

'You're Tommy's wife?' Grace asked, and Sienna nodded. 'He's never mentioned a wife' Grace told her, and Sienna's lips pursed, unamused by her attitude. 'Odd' She said simply, finishing her whiskey and leaving.

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