The man

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Finally. They finally let me leave that god awful place. The whole time I was in there I felt like a bird with a broken wing trapped in a cage, unable to break free. The staff in that place treated me like i was a broken porcelain doll. Weak. Fragile...unfixable. They treated me like a was going insane. Like i would break at any minute, at some points I honestly thought I was going to. I had no company but my thoughts and that was the problem. My mind was driving me insane. Voices that weren't mine were talking to me, whispering commands and ideas in my head. Sometimes I thought of doing what they said. Finding a sharp object and driving it into the heart of the first person I saw sounded like a great way to relieve myself of the stress of Lyra's death. That was another thing. Lyra. The thought of the doctors working on her corpse to try and keep her breathing made me sick to my stomach. It was almost like the ghost of Lyra was haunting this building and these halls, always watching. On the odd occasion I would hear faint cry's that sounded like her voice. I wanted to burn this building to the ground until it was nothing but a pile of rubble, no matter who was in the building.

The journey back from the hospital seemed to take hours. Me and my mom sat in an agonising silence as she drove down the country lanes and away from the hospital. I was sat in the backseat staring out of the window, watching the scenery unravel like an old fashioned film. Despite the conflict going on in my head the scenery playing before my eyes seemed to calm me down slightly. It was early evening. The sky was a fading from baby blue to pastel pink as the one white clouds swirled across the sky and became tainted with its color. Lush green trees stood proudly along the side of the winding roads and allowed birds to take shelter among their leaves. I rolled down the window a little, letting the warm evening air come into the car. The summer breeze blew back my brown locks from my face as I allowed my eyelids to shut and enjoy this moment of peace. As soon as the darkness engulfed my vision an image of (y/n) flashed before my eyes. I mentally scolded myself for letting myself forget about her. I missed her. I missed her sweet laugh and her bright (e/c) eyes that glistened like diamonds in the light. Her smile reminded me of a fresh spring day. I missed her so much.

I opened my eyes again and saw that we were nearing our street. We passed (y/n)'s house in the way and I couldn't bear to look at it. As we pulled into our driveway I felt someone gaze on me. I glanced at the rear view mirror and saw my mom looking at me with sad yet comforting eyes. I knew exactly what she was thinking. Reluctantly, I opened the door to the car and stepped out only to see the face of the man I hated the most. My dad. A sharp scowl immediately swept across my face as I caught sight of his drunken form swaying from side to side slightly. He wasn't there for mom. He wasn't there for Lyra. Everyone else was there when she died. But not even her own father. He was too drunk to even stand up. My mother walked over to stand by my side and placed a reassuring hand on my back as we continued walking towards our house. I saw my dad outstretch his arms expecting a hug from my mother. She just turned her gaze to the ground and kept walking. "Connie... Toby's sixteen he can walk by himself." I turned my head slightly to glare into his dark eyes. He immediately returned the glare but I didn't let my gaze falter. "I'm seventeen Dad." I spat as I directed my attention back to the door. My mother opened the door and side stepped to let me inside. I immediately made my way to my bedroom, passing Lyras door on the way. I paused infront of it for a second remembering the last moments we had together. She seemed so happy and full of life. I smiled slightly remembering her laughs echoing through the car, but my smile curled down into a sad frown as my memories were clouded by the bone rattling sound of the car tyres screeching. Tears began to prick the edge of my eyes but I blinked them away and shook my head to rid myself of the thoughts.

Night time approached faster than I had expected. The night sky was clouded by a thick blanket of fog protectively hiding away the precious stars that shone beneath. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't eat. I didn't even want to move. I just stared into the darkness of my room, burning holes into the ceiling with my stare. The sound of shouting and banging suddenly erupted from downstairs. I knew that my dad would start beating my mom again but I couldn't find the courage or energy to stop him. Even though I couldn't feel pain I feared for what might happen to me if I did. I'm such a coward. Once the noise had stopped I let my eyelids flutter shut as I ran my hands over the bandages on my arm in an attempt to fall asleep. Insomnia was always a problem for me but this time it was especially cruel. Frustrated and tired, i swung my legs over the side of the bed and left the warmth of my bed. Fumbling around in the dark I finally found my door and gently pushed it open trying not to make any sound. I silently made my way to the bathroom, avoiding any floorboards that would make creaking noises on the way. When I made it there I glanced in the mirror above the sink and saw my tired reflection staring back. Sighing to myself, i leaned forward and started the tap to splash water on my face. Turning the tap off and bringing my face level with the mirror my eyes widened with horror. Staring back at me was... me I think? The face was torn up and bloody and one of my eyes was missing from its socket. In its place a deep pool of blood and flesh sat with some of it dribbling down my deathly pale skin. A large gash on the side of my mouth exposed my bloody teeth and gums. I rapidly rubbed my eyes desperate to wash away the image. Thankfully when I brought my hands from my eyes it was gone. I darted out of the bathroom and into the hall. The foggy moonlight pooling in from the windows made the hallway seem to go on forever. Sweat starting to bead on my forehead as a ghostly aura washed over my surroundings. A figure emerged from the end of the hall and stumbled towards me. At first I thought it was my mom but as it grew closer I immediately recognised the distinct features. It was Lyra. She looked exactly like she did after the crash. My breathing became rapid as she continued down the hall to me, her body bent and twisted in inhuman ways. Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks. Her eyes turned up to meet mine as she sent me a wicked grin. Her face was so battered and bloodied that it made my stomach churn. "Why...didn'" She spoke in a bloodcurdling and raspy voice. Without hesitation, I darted down the hallway past her ghostly figure and to the safety of my room. But I didn't feel right. My gaze turned towards my window as my eyes widened in horror and disbelief. The sound of my quickening heartbeat seemed to echoe through the silent room as I kept my gaze on the window. Outside, underneath a street light was a man. A man with no face.

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