Visiting time

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The school day went by relatively fast, but in the end you were ready to go home. You packed your things and stood up to leave the classroom only to be tripped up and fall flat on your face. The classroom suddenly erupted into laughter as you looked up to see what caused your fall in the first place. Above you stood Monica, the most popular girl in school. She had a sly smirk plastered across her falsely tanned face and was looking down at you in disgust. Her minions stood behind her following her every move like clones or pets. "So (y/n) you've finally decided to come out of your shell huh? Well at least now you have we can see why you hid those marks so much, there disgusting!" Immediately after Monica said that they all burst out laughing and continued to throw petty insults towards you. "Ye she's disgusting!" "Nice one Monica!" "Haha she looks like a cow!" You kept your eyes cast down as they finally left whilst laughing their heads of. "So this is what Toby must have felt like huh?" You mumbled to yourself as you began to pick up your things and head out of the classroom door. Tomorrow was Saturday so you were free to do whatever you wanted and have a break from school life.

The walk home was long and boring. Dark grey clouds covered the entire sky and the subtle scent of rain lingered in the air. A storm was definitely coming and you didn't want to be around when it happened. Quickening your pace you continued down the path until your familiar row of houses came into view. Since it's Friday I think I'll go and visit Toby  you thought to yourself as you saw his house come into view. A small smile found its way onto your face as you thought of being able to talk to your old friend again. Small droplets of rain started to fall from the grey clouds and landed softly on your face and in the pavement. You looked up into the sky and closed your eyes savouring the feeling of the cool water droplets on your face and inhaling the humid scent of the earth. You loved it when storms came but you didn't really want to get soaked so you decided to jog the rest of the way to Toby's house. As you finally reached Toby's front door, a wave of happiness swept over you and you found your self grinning like a Cheshire Cat. You raised your hand a little, gently knocked on the smooth wooden door and waited paintently for someone to answer. After only a second the sound of unlocking could be heard from the other side of the door. You silently prayed that it wasn't Toby's dad that opened the door as you knew he wasn't that fond of you and didn't like you and Toby hanging out alone. Fortunately for you it was Toby's sister,Lyra who opened the door. She smiled brightly when she saw you standing there. "Hey (y/n)! It's been a while how are you?" She asked leaning on the door frame. "I'm good thanks! I was just coming over to visit Toby since it's Friday." You replied with a warm smile. "Oh ok, he's just upstairs in his room he's missed your company." She said whilst stepping aside so you could enter their house. Once inside you immediately headed toward the stair case and started to walk up it, avoiding that step that always creaks on the way. When you reached Toby's door you gently pushed it open and peered inside to see your brown haired friend sitting on his bed reading a book you gave him along time ago. He noticed your presence and shifted his gaze so it was now on your (e/c) eyes. A smile immediately spread across his face as he saw you standing is his doorway.

"(Y-y/n)! I-it's b-been way t-to long!" He said whilst standing up to give you a warm hug. You'd been so busy with school and homework that you didn't even realise how much you missed him. "Hey Toby! Sorry I haven't visited you sooner I was just really busy with homework and school stuff." You said whilst pulling away from the hug. Toby shook his head with a somewhat sad smile "I-it's fine I j-just m-missed you t-that's all!" He said whilst awkwardly rubbing the back of his head and shyly glancing to the side. You grinned widely and playfully punched Toby's arm. "Your such a goofball Toby!" You said with a small giggle as you went and sat at his desk. Toby put his book away and sat back down on his bed before turning to face you. "S-sooo h-how was s-school~" He said in a sing song voice whilst resting his chin on the palm of his hand. "Meh it was alright" You said whilst rolling your eyes. "I had a little trouble with Monica and her minions but apart from that it was fine." Toby's stare immediately went from cheerful to concerned as he saw how uncomfortable you were getting at talking about the subject. "W-what h-happened?" He questioned with worry lacing his voice. "Nothing! Just some typical insults about my hands! Nothing I can't handle!" You reassured with a small fist bump to the air and a wide smile. "I-if you say s-so" Toby mumbled with his eyes cast down.

As the time passed you and Toby talked about anything and everything. He told you about how he was having even more trouble with his dad now than before, you felt bad for him but deep down you knew there wasn't much you could do. You just had to be there for him. You glanced out of Toby's window and saw it was now pouring it down with rain. A low rumble of thunder could be heard in the distance as darker clouds rolled toward your part of town. You stood up from your chair and picked up your bag from the floor. "Well I should probably get home before the storm fully starts!" You said still looking out of the window. "Y-ye t-thats p-probably a g-good idea," Toby said now looking outside as well. "H-ow about w-we go t-to the p-park by the w-woods t-tomorrow?" Toby suggested with his head tilted slightly to the side. His hair messily fell to one side of his face in a cute way. You nodded your head with a smile and agreed to meet up at around eleven. As you made your way out of Toby's house you could hear a heated argument between his parents but decided to ignore it as it wasn't right to listen in on other people business. You opened the front door and stepped outside immediately getting drenched by the heavy rain. You sprinted back to your house being careful not to slip on the pavement and finally arrived at your door. When you stepped inside your house your shoes squelched and your clothes dripped water onto the floor. Stray strands of (h/c) hair stuck to your face and forehead and a few water droplets swung from their ends. A small smile made its way onto your face as you thought about tomorrow. It was going to be great!

Old Friends (Ticci Toby x reader) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now