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July 15

The night was cool and dark, the perfect time for a certain hero to make an appearance. This didn't give me much time to finish my job, but it had to be done. Someone asked me to kill someone and I agreed. I needed to earn money somehow and this was the way I knew how to do it.

I'm a hitman you could say. Like Deadshot, except I prefer to do the killings up close instead of at a range with a gun. People may pay me to kill someone, but I also kill people when I think necessary.

Like if someone were going to give away my identity or location. That would be an invitation for death.

"It's genocide down here! There-there are dead bodies covering the ground, survivors are struggling to stay alive, the police and EMTs are rushing around trying to help those that they can. This time genocide has shown no mercy"

I smirk, watching the news reporter give their report down on the ground amongst the dead bodies, brought to you by me. It was a simple killing, just stab the billionaire and get out, but there were too many people in the way. I couldn't say I didn't enjoy it, I loved my job, I was actually smiling the entire time.

Some people believe I'm related to the Joker, considering what I do for fun, but I'm not. I never even met the guy, and he was way too insane for my liking. I am not insane, brilliant actually, so it didn't work out. All the others I worked with were just too dumb.

"These criminals need to be stopped, right now it seems they have free reign. Superman, please save us," she added before they were approached by an officer.

"Superman, the beacon of hope," I mutter, rolling my eyes. "Where is he when shit hits the fan? Where is Batman? I was hoping he'd make an appearance, this is his home turf"

I stood up, remaining on the ledge for a moment longer. The wind blew my cape back, along with my black hair. One of the bystanders below noticed me, pointing out my mostly shadowed figure in the moonlight. Everyone else down there, whoever was still alive, started slowly looking up.

The fear in their eyes was visible, even from the distance I stood at. They knew who I was. What I did. What I do. I happened to be one of the more talked about villains, not as popular as the Joker though, but close to it.

I looked up at the moon and raised a hand, making some clouds cover the moon, blocking out the light, allowing me to escape in secret. It came with one of my powers.

Beauty manipulation. I can create, make and manipulate the beauty in/on/of anything, including physical, mental, natural, conceptual, etc. optical phenomena such as sunesets, natural scenery, plants, gold, gemstones, crystals, etc. I can make something beautiful or ugly, and the moon and its light was apart of it.

I was also very good with weapons, I tended not to miss any target, no matter what, but so far I hadn't had to face any superhero so I never had any challenge. It was kind of boring, not getting to go against anyone, to not have anyone put up a fight.

The streets were quiet as I got further away from where I had attacked. A dark figure landed in front of me when I landed on the next roof, his cape blowing behind him. It was the Batman I had heard of. His mouth was in a scowl and his eyes were covered by a cowl.

"You finally decided to show yourself. Too scared before to face me?" I question with a smirk. "Or did you finally decide I was worth your time?"

"You've killed innocent people," he says in his low and rough voice.

"Nobody is innocent, everyone's guilty of something"

I ducked when he threw a punch towards my face, swinging a leg out under him. He jumped over my leg and tried multiple others time to hit me. He got me in the stomach and face, but I got equal, hitting him in his leg and chest. I flipped over him, pulling him down by his cape. Before he could get up I punched him in the face and made some thorny rose vines grow out of the roof, trapping him.

"Nice try, Bat," I whisper with a wink. "Maybe next time you'll win"

I jumped down from the roof, landing gracefully in a crouch in a dark alleyway. I ran through the alleys, going past drunken men and some scantily dressed girls. Batman was chasing me, I could hear his quick footsteps as he ran over the roofs.

Someone landed in front of me, causing whoever was in the alley to run away in fear. It wasn't Batman like I had thought, it was his used to be sidekick, Nightwing.

"Stop, I don't want to have to fight you," he said, staring at me from behind the domino mask that covered his eyes.

I smile and look up at the moon that was still covered with clouds. "Hey, why don't you enjoy the view?" I ask.

I made the clouds disappear and the moonlight shine as bright as I could make it. He stumbled backwards a bit, trying to regain his sight after being blinded. I took the chance to run, sending him flying back after a kick in the chest, then make it to my bike.

I had two vehicles, a bike that I normally hid in a secret basement in my house, and a white Zenvo ST1. I did have a job other than that of a criminal, I was actually pretty famous. Beauty manipulation was a power I used for fashion.

I am a fashion designer, a very young famous one. It was difficult but somehow I managed to keep both lives separate, keeping my actual identity a secret. There were some things I couldn't get rid of, like some scars, or the tattoo of a rose and a knife over my right hip. Permanent things.

When I was Sage, the world famous designer, I had blonde hair and blue eyes. As Genocide, my hair changed to black. It helped me remain out in the open for as long as I've been at this gig.

Genocide (Nightwing x OC)Where stories live. Discover now