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August 09

"Ms, there is someone here who wants to speak with you"

"Ok, Marceau, send them in"

Not that long later, someone walks into my office. They wore a purple suit, gloves on their hands, and a big hat on their head, almost as if they wanted to cover their face.

"Brook, I have someone I need you to kill for me," they said.

My eyes widen and I nearly shoved my chair to the ground as I stood up. This was unexpected, and it was something I didn't even want to hear about. That was the awful past I am no longer living in.

"Haven't you heard? Genocide is dead. I am not going to kill anyone else for you"

"Really? Are you forgetting what I have against you? Do you really want me to have to blackmail you?"

My chest tightened at what he said. He was going to use my identity against myself, and I knew he had proof that Sage Brook was Genocide.

"I thought so," he said with a crazed laugh.

He looked up, his face no longer hidden by the large hat. His wide smile and painted red lips, his white face, his green hair just barely visible from under the hat, the crazed look in his eyes.

"What happens if I'm caught? There are those who already know my secret. I'll be arrested"

"Then I'll just break you out of jail, send you back on the job. It's not like you've never had to break out of prison before"

"But those were times before people knew who I was. When it was Genocide or Sage, not Genocide and Sage as one person"

"I'll start you off with an easy task. Kill this woman"

He pulled out a picture from his coat pocket, showing it to me. It was of some woman walking in the street, her dyed pink hair blowing in the wind behind her like a cape.

"What has she ever done to you to make you want to kill her?"

"Oh, nothing. I just need to know you are still capable of doing what you used to do. If she isn't dead in two days your little secret will be let out"

I sigh, sitting back down in my chair. "Fine. Now get out!"

He laughed as he left, his loud laughing echoing through the halls. It made me want to run and hide, go to Dick seeking comfort, but I couldn't do any of that. If this job wasn't fulfilled then everything I had worked on would be ruined.

I hid my face in my hands, calming myself down. This would be a difficult task, especially since Genocide was 'dead', and I promised to Dick, to myself, that I was past all of that. I did bad, I knew that, but I was trying to do good now. It didn't help that the Joker was coming back to me with jobs that would send me right back to the start.

August 11

"It's a nightmare. What we thought of Genocide was wrong. They are still out there, still killing," a reporter says.

"How are you so sure it's her? It could easily be a new villain," another news anchor suggests.

"We've gotten reports, of Genocide and her wicked ways of killing. There's no doubt about it, Genocide has returned. She was never dead!"

I bite my tongue as Dick turns off the tv. He turned to me, his eyes lowered to the floor. One of his fingers tapped against the remote. The atmosphere felt heavy, full of silence, nothingness.

"You promised," he whispered.

I stood up, staring at the ground. His head snapped up, probably because he thought I was going to attack him or try to run away. But I stood still, my eyes on my shoes and my heart on the ground.

"You promised," he said again.

"I did. So what?" I found myself snapping at him in reply, instead of the calm explanation I actually wanted to give him.

"Bruce gave you a chance, you can't just throw it out the window"

"Like what you did with my heart? Don't think I never knew about you," I say, pointing an accusing finger at him. "You used me"

"I never did," he said defensively.

"But you were going to, if it weren't for you figuring out who I truly was you would have continued to use me to find Genocide and arrest her"

He opened his mouth a little, like he was shocked and surprised, but I could tell he was trying to figure out how I learned that bit of information.

"Walls are thin, you should learn that"

"You were eavesdropping on mine and Bruce's conversation?"

"I was waiting for you in the room beside his study, you had told me to wait for you while you went to talk with Bruce"

"I was trying to convince him you had changed, that you weren't a threat to us anymore. That you don't need the constant security you have"

"Plans changed, and mine only changed recently because of certain reasons"

He sighed, sounding very disappointed this time when he said, "you promised"

I plopped back down on the couch, feeling my chest tighten like when I had been confronted the other day by the Joker. My hand covered my mouth as I started sobbing, muffling the sound. Tears fell down from my eyes.


Dick and I both looked over at the door where Marceau was standing with a makeup bag in his hand. It reminded me of the show I had in under an hour.

"Right, I forgot. Marceau, show Richard out, then have my car prepared"

"Of course"

"We were fools to think this could've worked out between us," I say, watching Dick's back as he walked out.

Dick left without a word and I went to work on making my face look like I hadn't just been crying. Something big was going to happen, I knew it, but if it was the thing that would drag me down and lock me up, then let it come.

Genocide (Nightwing x OC)Where stories live. Discover now