Wayne Enterprises

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July 21

"You morons! You can't do the one thing that I'm paying you to do?"

"She wasn't there"

"What do you mean she wasn't there?" I growl.

"We searched the entire place. That Nightwing guy showed up and distracted us. Then Batman showed up, taking us all out"

I roll my eyes, placing my hands on my hips. "Fine. Get out of here before I kill you all"

He gulped and walked out of the abandoned warehouse that belonged to Sage Brook, his men following behind him. I sighed, brushing my hands through my hair, changing it from its natural black to blonde.

It is as it sounds, I sent those men after myself, although they don't know that. I want to see what the superheroes are capable of. So far I've learned that there are more than just those talked about on tv.

"Marceau, get my car ready, I'm going to Wayne Enterprises," I say to the communication bracelet on my wrist.

"Of course, Madame"

"Send it to my warehouse outside of Gotham"

"If you don't mind my asking, why are you there?" He asks.

He knew who I was and what I did, not that he was accepting about it. He always kept trying to get me to stop, but no matter what I kept killing. And he kept the secrets.

"There was an alarm that got set off, I had to make sure everything was good, don't want any stolen goods," I lie, giving him the cover story if we ever needed it.

"Ahh," he said, hearing straight through my lie. "The car will be there in a minute"

My car pulled up to the front of the building, no driver inside. It was one of those cars that could be automatically controlled, sort of like a driverless car ideal.

I stepped in the car and drove into Gotham, pulling up to Wayne Enterprises. Someone was waiting for my arrival down in the lobby, he was going to explain some of the things going on since Bruce was busy.

"I'm sorry about calling you here in such a rush," he said.

"I had nothing better to do"

As we walked through the halls towards his office, talking about the business and progress, I caught a glimpse of the guy I saw the other day at the gala. He was looking through a stack of papers at his desk, well he was until he looked up and saw me walking past. I winked then turned back to face where I was going.

We entered the office and he went to stand behind his desk. "We're doing well with the plans but-"

I sit in the chair in front of his desk as he sat in the chair behind his desk."But it's well, not the kind of word I like to be associated with progress"

"They can't get the calculations right, it's putting us behind"

"Could I see the work done?"

He started digging through some files in his desk. "Sure but you probably won't be able to make heads or tails of what it is"

I took the papers from his hand and stood up. "I'll have the calculations sent to you by the end of the day"

"How do you plan on figuring it out?"

"I plan on using my brain"

I walk out, going past the room where the guy was working, but I stopped myself, deciding to go in and speak to him. Ever since the gala he was on my mind. There was something about him but I couldn't figure it out, some secret he was hiding that I would find.

"Hi, Sage Brook," I introduce myself after stopping in front of the desk.

He looked up, flashing a smile with perfect white teeth. It reminded me of Nightwing and his smile. Almost the exact same. Coincidence?

"Dick Grayson"

"You're one of the boys who has Bruce as a legal guardian. But your name isn't Dick, I thought it was Richard"

He chuckles, something that sounded amazing and mesmerizing. With all that perfection packaged up into one human being he must've been someone girls chased after.

"My name is Richard Grayson, but I go by Dick"

"Understanding. I don't know how you get Dick from Richard, but I don't need an explanation"

"So, what are you doing here?" He asks, leaning back in his chair.

"Going over some business"

He stood up, showing me he was also tall, adding to the perfection list. I was staring directly into his eyes, although I was wearing two inch heels.

"You're that Sage Brook?"

I giggle, exchanging the papers from one of my hands to the other, using the hand that used to hold the papers to tuck some hair behind my ear. "That's me"

"You look nothing like the pictures," he said, his eyes scanning my body.

"Well, in the pictures I tend to be over-shone by Bruce. They make sure he looks good but have no thought about me"

"No, it's not that, you look amazing in every picture. You just look less like a young girl who was pushed into the business, you look like you want to do this and have been doing it for a while"

"So you're saying I look tired in every picture?"

"You look worn out and slightly stressed in some pictures, but right now you look ready to take on anything"

I shrug. "I guess I'm not very photogenic, which is weird considering what I do"

"Was there something you needed?"


"You stopped by to see me, why?"

"I wanted to meet you but never had the chance during the gala. But it looks like you have a lot of work to do, so I'm off. See you"

I walked towards the door and heard a faint ''bye" as I opened the door. I knew that if I were to turn around I would see his eyes trained on my ass.

"Boys," I mutter, rolling my eyes.

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