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December 9

I wandered around the city, looking for my next target. She was supposed to be in her hotel room, but that's all the information I was given. I had sunglasses on to keep people from freaking out. People may not know exactly what I look like but some have a good enough idea to pick me out of a crowd, even when I wasn't wearing my normal suit.

Marceau told me he tracked the target to a certain hotel and room, since we weren't given that information, and that's where I was headed.

"Hi, I'm here to see Mademoiselle Lacey," I say in a fake french accent to the receptionist at the front desk.

"And you are?"

"Oh, I'm her new stylist. She told me to meet her in her hotel room"

She called the room, looking for confirmation on who I was, and seemed pleased with the response she got from the other end of the line.

"Go on up. Room 1014"


The elevator ride up to the tenth floor was quiet and quick. I easily found the room and knocked on the door. A pretty red head opened the door, telling me to come in.

"So, what kind of change were you looking for?" I ask her.

"I want to look entirely different. Do whatever to make me even more beautiful!"

"Sure," I hiss though my teeth as I smile at her.

She sat on a chair and I stood behind her, combing my fingers through her hair as I pretended to think about what I would do. I made her hair turn from red to brown and made it curly.

"Whoa, are you magic?!" She exclaimed, looking at the mirror in front of her.

"Yeah. Let's do your face now," She turned her seat around and waited. "Close your eyes so I can do your eyeshadow"

She closed her eyes and I pulled out a knife. My hand made one quick movement from the left to the right, slicing her neck. Her eyes snapped open and she started choking, hands reaching up to her neck, then her head fell back as her body went lifeless.

One of the visitors in a neighbouring hotel room must've heard something because the next thing I knew the police were chasing me out of the hotel and down the street. But I got away from them expertly in a pair of heels, after killing a bunch of them for getting in my way, almost limping into my mansion.

My feet ached from running so much and my hands, hair, and face were all covered in little spots of blood. After giving my blood covered clothes to Marceau I went to the bathroom.

I stepped into the shower, letting the warm water slide down my body and down the drain. This was one of those clear showers that had glass to keep the water from spilling all over the floor. It was never a problem for me because nobody came in here when I was showering, plus the shower made the rest of the bathroom look pretty exquisite, for a bathroom anyway.

I turned around, letting the water drip down my back, as I got my hair wet. Water got in my eyes, making everything around me look blurry. I blindly reached for the shampoo bottle but stop when I saw a blurry figure through the steam covered glass.

Me, thinking it was Marceau bringing me my clothes, spoke up. "Marceau you can put my clothes on the table"

The figure only took a step closer, revealing a familiar blue colour printed on the chest of a black suit. I turn off the shower, wrapping my towel around my body.

"Come on, at least let a girl get dressed before you start trying to pick fights," I say, sliding the glass door open.

Nightwing was staring at me, my wet hair flattened against my back, my face red from the heat of the water, my body still wet, water dripping onto the tiled floor.

I tilt my head. "What are you imagining in that head of yours?"

He clears his throat before talking in an even voice. "You need to turn yourself in"

"You're imagining me dropping the towel, aren't you?" I joke, ignoring his comment, my eyes sparkling as I bite my lip. "Or, ooh, maybe it's the both of us getting in the shower"

I made the lights in the room grow darker, making the scene more ambient. His eyes widened as I took a step forward, fiddling with the top of the towel where it was tucked in to keep it from falling.

"Maybe we could... have some fun," I whisper.

I was right in front of him. He gulped and I smirked, making a knife appear in my hand behind my back. A quick movement and his heart would be stabbed, but he was quicker.

"You're a killer," he says, gripping the hand that held the knife tightly.

"I'm a woman," I say with a shrug. "A woman who just so happens to find beauty in death and destruction"

The wall behind him exploded, sending the both of us across the room. He managed to run away before I could finish him off. Marceau stood in the hole where the door used to be.

"I thought you'd need some help madame"

Genocide (Nightwing x OC)Where stories live. Discover now