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December 31

"Everything is ready for the guests madame"

"Great. Did you set the extra plate?"

"I did"

I nod and turn to my wardrobe. "Now what dress should I wear?"

"I suggest something grey"

"Good choice"

He left me, giving me some time to get ready for the party. I put on the dress, made my hair straight, and put a little makeup on my face. The doorbell rang, announcing the arrival of the first guests. I could hear Marceau letting them in.

I waited for Marceau to come up and get me because once everyone was here that was when I'd make my appearance. When he did come get me and I went downstairs into the dinning room I saw everyone sitting at the table, chatting, laughing, drinking.

"I'm so glad you could all make it," I say, taking a seat at the head of the table. "This is just a time to enjoy yourselves, and eat"

A couple chefs came out of the kitchen with trays of food, placing plates in front of each guest. They all started eating, light chatter heard here and there throughout the meal.

"Sage, this was nice of you to do," Bruce says.

"I just thought it would be fun to gather all of us together and have a nice, civil dinner party. Something relaxing and calm"

When dessert came the power went out, causing all of them to start talking at once, scared of the outcome of the lights going out.

"Stay calm everyone, just a little power outage," Marceau assures them as I sneak away in the darkness.

Once I was out of the room the lights came back on and I could hear some people freaking out over my disappearance. I changed my hair colour and removed the makeup, leaving my dress the way it was. These people would be too scared to pay any attention to what I was wearing.

Some scared people started rushing to the door, but it was locked, so they ran up the stairs, straight for me. I heard them round a corner and smirked when their eyes landed on me.

"How nice of you to join me"

One of the women screams and I lunge at them, killing them all before they could run off. Some more people ran up the stairs, but I ran and hid in a nearby room, waiting for a better moment to kill the rest of them. There were 17 there total, and 7 were already dead.

All these people that were invited had to be killed, either because someone wanted them dead or their death would benefit me in some way. Not that I wanted Bruce or Dick dead, but someone else did for a reason they wouldn't explain. I wasn't one to judge. Or question.

"We need to find Sage," I heard Dick say from outside in the hall.

"You go look for her, I'll try to find Genocide," Bruce said.

They both ran opposite ways and I followed after where Bruce went, hoping to find some of the others before he did. I found another group of 6 people trying to find a way out.

"You aren't getting out of here so don't try," I say from behind them.

I threw knives at them, making each and every one of them hit the ground, blood beginning to pool out around them on the carpet. I sigh, realizing the mess that I just made.

"Great, now I need new carpet," I mutter. "I liked that carpet"

"What did you do to Sage?" Dick asked from behind me.

I turn and smirk, noticing it wasn't Dick but Nightwing in a black suit that looked a lot like the one Dick was wearing earlier, stepping over a dead body to get closer to him.

"She's safe. Like I said, she's my pawn, I still have more uses for her"

He looked down, seeing the dress I decided not to change out of. "Why are you wearing her dress?"

"It's a nice dress, she has others," I easily lie. "It's easy for me to move around in, easier to kill you in"

"Why did you have to kill all these people?"

"I'm just doing my job. People hire me to kill someone, and all these rich snobs were on the to kill list. Bringing them all together just made it easier, all thanks to the help of the charming and caring Sage Brook and her popularity"

"Where is she?" He asks, sounding more threatening than ever before.

That was new. Last time he only sounded slightly protective, but that's just because it's a superhero's duty to keep people safe. This sounded different. He sounded like he would actually kill me if I didn't tell him where she was. But a threat like that meant nothing to me. I enjoyed it.

I grab onto his tie, pulling him closer to me, and whisper into his ear. "I don't think that's your biggest problem right now, Grayson"

Genocide (Nightwing x OC)Where stories live. Discover now