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October 28

"Brook, you're going to come with me," the prison guard told me, a pair of cuffs in his hands.

I stood up from the bed in my cell, offering my hands to him so he could cuff them together. He dragged me towards the front of the prison, not explaining anything to me. When we got to the office belonging to the warden I saw Batman standing in front of the warden's desk, but the warden wasn't there.

"What have I done this time?" I ask, thinking I was going to be told off.

"You can leave her with me," he told the guard.

The guard handed him the key to my handcuffs and left, just me and Batman in the room. I tapped my foot on the ground, waiting impatiently for him to say something.

"Joker is still locked up, he also confessed that he made you kill all those people"

"That doesn't make me completely innocent, there were still those others before-"

"Joker said he made you kill every person you had killed," he said again, hinting that he was talking about the people even before Joker had contacted me directly. "So, you will be let out under surveillance of someone at all times"

"You're-you're going to make sure nothing happens, right?"

He nods. "You won't be able to live in your mansion for a while, you will be staying somewhere where I can keep an eye on you, and your family's company has been completely bought out by Wayne Industries. The clothing company, on the other hand, is still yours"

"Thank you, again"

He brought me to Wayne Manor, finally unlocking the cuffs on my wrists. I followed him out of the car and into the mansion. He spoke with Alfred in a hushed voice for a minute, and while he was doing so Dick walked out of his room and down the stairs towards us.

He stopped when he saw me, halfway down the stairs. I looked up at him, still hearing the hushed voices of Batman and Alfred. He slowly continued down the stairs, not taking his eyes off of me, and once he was on ground level he turned and went into another room.

"Sage," Batman said, drawing my attention to them. "Alfred is going to show you to your room"

He left, probably to go fight more crime or something, and Alfred led me towards a bedroom. He said if I needed anything to just go find him, and he left me alone. I changed out of the prison uniform and into something more comfy. My hair and eyes had already changed back to their normal colour, they did when I had been arrested a month ago.

Someone knocked on the door then opened it, Dick stepping inside my room. I sat down on the bed and he stood by the door.

"Bruce told me about the Joker, how he forced you to kill those people"

"I'm starting to think it was always him. At first I was doing it for money because it was a job, I took jobs without question. I never wondered who was giving them to me, but now I'm thinking it was always the Joker"

"How did he make you start killing again?" He asks.

"He used you against me. He kidnapped you, beat you, tied you up and left you in a warehouse. Then I had to come rescue you because if I didn't he would have killed you and I knew it'd happen again"

"But that wasn't..." he trails off, probably remembering the red haired and green eyed girl that saved him.

"I had to change my look because I was a wanted criminal. That was me who saved you, no matter how much I didn't want to see your face"

"Why didn't you want to see me?"

I stand up and stare at the ground, taking a deep breath before I speak.

"Dick, you were the one that got me out of killing the first time. And you... I hated that I was being brought back into it all because of you. I couldn't let you die, but in order for me to do that I had to agree to taking jobs from the Joker. If I didn't then you'd be dead. I knew I'd have to live with you alive but hating me"

I looked up when I heard him taking a couple steps forward. His hand went to my cheek and he pushed his lips against mine. I gasped and stood wide eyed, not expecting anything like this to happen.

He pulled away, keeping his hand on my cheek. "I don't hate you"

"I'm done killing and fighting," I decide.

"Stay here with me, we'll make sure you won't be dragged back into the life of a villain"

I put my lips back on his and he instantly reacted, moving his hands to my hips. I put my arms around his neck, pulling my body closer to his. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. We pulled away from each other for a second, me looking down at him with my forehead resting against his, and we both smiled before connecting our lips again.

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