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September 6

Slayer, the name of the villain I had become, wasn't as murderous as Genocide, but still just as known. I made sure to keep myself hidden as much as possible, to not risk being found. 

I sat on the edge of a roof, a piece of paper and pen in my hand. I was writing a letter, not wanting to risk calling since anyone could easily get into the conversation and listen in.

It was for Bruce, Batman. I would need his help if I ever wanted to live like plain Sage Brook again, without having to worry about Joker coming after me to make me kill more people.


Joker has me doing his dirty work, and I have no way out of it. Not only am I in danger but so are you, and more specifically Dick. I need your help in stopping him. I will allow you to do whatever you see fit with me afterwards but right now, while the Joker is still free, it's too dangerous to lock me away. He will always come back for me, resulting in more injuries and deaths than there already are.

- Sage

I folded it up, writing Bruce's name on the top, then ran towards Wayne Manor. There was an open window on the second floor, so I climbed up the side and jumped through it. It was a bedroom. The bedroom that belonged to Dick.

And Dick was in there right now.

"Shit," I curse.

Dick jumped off his bed, coming over to attack me. I dodged his punches, accidentally dropping the note as I tried to keep myself out of harm's path of destruction. I knocked him to the floor and then jumped out the window while he was recovering, landing in a crouch.

Dick looked out the window as I looked up to make sure he wasn't going to come after me. If he was going to jump I wouldn't know because I sprinted away as fast as I could, fighting back the urge to scream out loud. Of course the one person I would run into couldn't have been Bruce or Alfred, it had to have been him.

Even though I was a wanted murderer and an escaped prisoner, Marceau still chose to help me. My mansion had been empty since I was gone, the police searched it then left, so it was a safe place to go for now.

"You're going to get yourself in trouble," I say, sliding into the car.

"I am still your loyal butler"

"Please, a butler is someone who waits on another. You're more of a relative who I can't get rid of," I joke with a smirk.

He smiles. "It's good to see you again, Sage"

"And you too, Marceau. I'm grateful you're still here to help me"

He brought me back to my mansion and I went straight to my office, making sure the blinds were closed. I sat on my chair with my legs crossed as I waited and hoped Bruce would read the note and come.

Someone, two someone's, broke through each of the windows in my office. Batman through the one on my right and Robin through the one on my left. I jumped over my desk and backed up to the door, thinking they were going to attack me. But they stood in their spots.

"You didn't have to break in, Marceau would have let you in the front," I tell Batman.

"We couldn't have been certain you weren't lying," he says.

"Is she the Slayer?" Robin asks him.

"Yes, I am, but not out of my own free will. That's why I need your help, I need you to get Joker behind bars"

"How did you get out of prison?"

"He had some men in the prison, there's nothing telling us that the guards won't free every single prisoner there too, so I suggest something be done about that"

"Did you save Grayson?" Robin asks me.

"I had to, he was in that position because of me," I answer.

Batman started talking, telling me about the plan he had to catch the Joker. It involved me going to talk to Joker, as if I was going to get another job, but then Batman and Robin would jump in and fight.

I didn't question why Batman didn't take Nightwing with him instead of Robin, because Nightwing was a lot more experienced and older than Robin, most likely the better pick when fighting a villain like the Joker. But, it probably had something to do with me.

"You're going to arrest me afterwards, aren't you?" I ask.

He thinks for a moment. "That will be decided after we bring the Joker back to Arkham Asylum"

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