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October 2

I was in a sports bra and shorts, my hair black since Sage didn't know how to fight and because I didn't bother changing my look from Sage to Genocide, practicing my fighting.

"Marceau, I already told you a million times, I'm not giving up the life"

"I understand madame but that wasn't me"

"What?" I ask, taking out one of the simulation fighters.

"I was working on fixing the new communicator bracelet for you"

"But the director said you were the one who gave her the speech"

He shrugs, looking up from his work. "There are shapeshifters out there and that kind of technology isn't entirely impossible"

"I guess. Anyway, you can leave that for me to do, go finish the bracelet. The one I'm wearing is getting a little worn out"

He left and I got back to fighting. 5 minutes later the door opened and someone walked in, remaining quiet as I fought a simulation.

"What is it?" I demand, dodging punches and kicks.

"You're pretty good at that," the voice that didn't belong to my butler or any of the men who worked for me answered.

I kicked the simulation, making it disappear, but I didn't turn to face the hero who I knew was blocking the door. He made no moves, there were no sounds of him approaching me.

"How'd you find me?"

"I tracked you back here. But why here?"

I turn, quickly thinking up an easy lie to go along with. "You've probably already guessed. I got that Sage girl wrapped around my finger"

"What did you do to her?" He growls, stepping closer.

I kept my reaction hidden but I was surprised. He sounded angry, protective, like he actually cared about what happened to her. That surprised me because we only just met a while ago and we hadn't talked much since then.

"Nothing. I only threatened to kill her parents, unless she gave me what I wanted. A secret place to do business. Guess it's not so secret anymore, considering you decided to visit"

His eyes drift down to my toned stomach, landing on the tattoo that wasn't covered by my shorts.

"Nice tattoo"

"The rose and knife contrast each other. One's beautiful, the other deadly"

"So it represents you?"

"You think I'm beautiful?" I ask sarcastically, carefully making my way towards my desk.

I press a button that makes the simulation disappear and sit at the desk. My hand hovered over the button on my chair that would drop me down a secret hatch towards where I kept some of my items used as Genocide.

"You here to take me in now?" I ask, offering both of my hands towards him, mocking him, pretending he was going to cuff me. "Take me to the cops? Lock me up behind bars?"

He took a step forward and I retracted my hands, pressing the button on the arm rest of my chair. I waved, wiggling my fingers, as I dropped down. The hatch closed up before he could get to me.

My suit was waiting for me, ready for me to quickly slip it on. Once dressed, leaving my cape behind, I jumped on my bike and raced out of the garage. Nightwing was chasing after me on his own bike. I laughed gleefully as his bike pulled up alongside mine.

I raced ahead of him, turning so he got cut off by another car that was going by. A long horn sounded, coming from the car that I cut in front of and Nightwing almost hit.

I swerved through the traffic, turning down an alley that would lead me back to my house. A body collided with mine, taking me off of my bike. My bike slid until it stopped completely and I rolled on the ground, shoving myself up in a crouching position, one of my hands on the ground to keep my body steady.

I smile widely, my tongue running over my teeth. "You like it rough? Don't go complaining when it becomes too much"

I pounced at him the same time he ran for me. We both began kicking and punching, mainly hitting the air, but the both of us managed to get some good hits on the other. He kicked my side, I kicked his chin, he punched my arm, he trapped my arm behind my back, I slipped out of his hold and tripped him.

I pinned him to the ground, making some vines tie around his ankles and wrists to keep him from shoving me off of him because honestly he was way stronger than me. We were both breathing heavily, me with a smile on my face and him with a scowl.

"Why do you do this?" He asked.

"What, win? Because I'm good, better"

"No, why do you kill, why are you bad?"

I lean down, moving my face closer to his, stopping when our noses were just about to touch. His eyes may have been covered but I could see he was scared of what I was going to do, of what could happen.

"Why would I tell you that?" I whisper. "We've all got secrets, they're secret for a reason. No matter how awful, or amazing, they remain unsaid, only known by that one person who holds it"

I hooked my hand under his chin, keeping his face from moving, then pushed my lips against his cheeks. There was a red lipstick stain now drawn on his face. I stood up, making some more vines wrap around him, and pick up my bike.

"Tell the Bat I say hi"

Genocide (Nightwing x OC)Where stories live. Discover now