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May 17

"I'm so sorry madame"

I chuckle, standing up. "Marceau, you know I don't care about stains or anything, it's not even hot so it doesn't sting. I'm going to go change"

I walked away from the couch where me and Dick were sitting in silence, watching tv, waiting for Marceau to bring us some drinks. I went into my room, picked out a dress that had a white top and red skirt, and put it on. I noticed the door was still opened and someone was standing outside of it.

"You sure are something. First seeing me in the shower, then almost getting me naked, now watching me change"

"24 hour surveillance means I can't even let you go to your room to change," Dick says.

"Then don't just stand around outside like a creep. Either come in or close the door"

He chose my first option, coming into the room, but he kept his eyes off of me and arms crossed. I sat on my bed, watching him look around the room nervously.

"What is it?" I ask.


"Why are you nervous?"

"I'm not"

"Sure you aren't," I say sarcastically, standing up and going to the door. "I'm going to go do some work, feel free to come and watch me cut fabrics and sew them together. It's just so interesting"

He did follow as I went to my office, and he did watch while I stood by the table and sewed fabrics together, making a new dress. His eyes didn't leave my body. He was being very cautious with every I did.

"I stopped because of you," I say.


"I gave up killing because of you. Honestly, it was the best choice I ever made. I still feel guilty about everything but I don't feel guilty about what I could end up doing anymore"

We both stood in silence for a little bit then he asked, "What do you think of me?"

"I'll answer when you tell me how you feel about me, and I want the truth"

"...I like you, I'm just mad because you are, or were, bad. I'm a good guy, I shouldn't be falling in love with a bad girl, no matter how cliché it sounds"

"How do you think I felt? I was the bad girl falling for the good guy. On top of everything else I had to do I had to worry about running into you because since I liked you it could compromise my whole secret. Every time I did a job I prayed that it would be Batman coming to fight me, not you, because if it were you then I don't know if I'd be able to fight properly"

I didn't look up once as I spoke, saying exactly what I felt. My life was a mess, I knew it, hell Marceau knew it, but it was the life I had to live. I couldn't change it. But I did, I managed to get rid of that evil counterpart I used to be, and now I was on the verge of getting rid of the company I never wanted.

"I was stressed. I found a way to be happy but that changed once we started talking. You were what made me happy but I knew it wouldn't last. Now here we are, here I am, spilling my feelings about the life I hate and the boy I love"

A hand came to my chin, pushing my face upwards and to the side. Dick stood behind me, his other arm wrapped around my waist. My face was directly in front of his now, his chest pressed up against my back. He put his lips on mine before I could say anything about the way he was holding me.

I twisted in his hold and he picked me up, putting me on the table so I was sitting on it. He stood in between my legs, one hand rested on my hip, the other on my thigh where the slit in my dress was.

"I love you," he mumbled in between kisses.

I pushed his face away, getting a good look in his eyes. He didn't look like he was lying, he looked like he truly wanted to be with me.

"You aren't just saying that, are you?"

"I love you," he said seriously, staring me dead in the eye. "No matter what your mistakes in the past were"

"I thought you hated me"

"I hated myself, for loving you"

I giggle softly. "You sound so cheesy"

"I don't care," he kissed me once again. "We should go somewhere else, I don't want to ruin your work," he whispers.

I giggle, getting off of the table. I grab his hand, pulling him towards my bedroom. Once we got there he closed the door behind us and started kissing me again. I pushed him down onto the bed, giving myself time to drop the dress I was wearing.

I crawled on top of him and his arms went around my waist, pulling me closer to his body.

"I love you, Dick," I whispered before his lips covered mine again.

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