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May 17

"There's still been no sign on Genocide. We're hoping someone has finally saved us from these terrible times"

My legs dangled off of the roof while I watched the interviewer give a report at the exact same spot where I killed all those innocent bystanders. The place had been cleaned up, no blood in sight.

"Marceau, I can't do this anymore"

"Do what madame?" He asked, even though he damn sure knew what I was talking about.

"Genocide is dead"

"Are you sure?"

"I've never had anything, any reason to stop doing this. But my heart sank when I saw the look in his eyes. After he left, I knew I couldn't handle it anymore"

"There's only one thing left to do," I say with a sigh.

I wander up to Wayne Manor, knocking on the large doors. Alfred answered.

"Yes, Miss?"

"Is Bruce here? I'd like to talk to him"

"I'm not so sure-"

"I mean no harm"

He reluctantly let me in. I stepped inside and saw Bruce standing at the top of the stairs, calmly walking down. After what happened in January I knew Dick would have told him who I was. I offer my hands to him, wrists pushed together.

"Be the vigilante who saves the day"

"What?" He asks, his eyes narrowing.

"I know you're Batman, Bruce, it's not hard to piece together. I figured since Dick is Nightwing you've gotta be Batman"

"Mhmm," he hums, sounding a little angry.

"Arrest me, take me away, kill me if you think that's justifiable"

"You're a wanted killer who hasn't been captured. Why give yourself up?" He asks.

I drop my hands. "I think it's time I started fighting the good fight, and to do that I have to lock myself away"

"Why hand yourself over now?"

"I had to think. I've been thinking about what the right thing to do would be since January"

"You're done killing?"

"Only the good guys," I joke, his face didn't even twitch. "Sorry. Yeah"

"I have a better idea"

"You aren't sending me to prison?" He shakes his head. "Why are you showing mercy on me? After all I've killed. You're just gonna let me stay free?"

"You gave up killing yourself, you had a change of heart. You deserve a second chance. Although I won't let you out of my sight, you will not be sent to jail"


"What got you into killing in the first place?" Dick asks from the couch.

I turn, shocked. I didn't know he was there. He looked tired, and didn't turn in my direction.

"My parents. I was mad at them, giving me every single thing to do that I couldn't handle. I wanted to take out my anger, but I couldn't take it out on them. Someone reached out to me, saying they could help me. They gave me a list of people to kill and said if I did it I'd get a bunch of money, and I'd feel better. I still don't feel better, and the money means nothing, but I couldn't stop because it was a job. Something to keep my mind off of everything my parents did to me"

"You'll be put under 24 hour surveillance with one of us watching you at all times. I will make up a cover for it. I'll tell the police Genocide is dead," Bruce explains. "Dick, take her back to her house, keep an eye on her"

"Why me?" He asks, standing up.

Bruce simply glares at him, then smiles at me. "You made the right choice in coming to me"

"Well, I sure hope I did. You aren't secretly plotting to kill me, are you?"

He puts a comforting hand on my shoulder. "You're in safe hands Sage"

"Bruce, what would you think about taking the company off of my hands?"

His eyes widen as he removes his hand. "You can't be serious"

"I am. I don't need it, it's only keeping me from doing what I want, it was another reason why I chose to do what I did. I want to design, might even make that company even bigger. But I can't expand on that company if I don't get rid of this one"

"I'll let you think about it"

"I have. Take it, I'll give it to you. I don't need any money for it"


"We can work it all out later. You can make any conditions you want"

He sighs, giving in. "Alright"

"Come on," Dick grumbles, going towards the door.

I follow after him, my head hanging low. I felt better for some reason, turning myself in, fixing everything I thought would've been too broken to fix, but I still felt partially empty. Because Dick still looked like he wanted nothing to do with me.

We sat in his car as he drove in a deadly silence. I wanted to say something but didn't know where to start. I barely managed to mumble out a little "I'm sorry"

"What did you say?" He asks.

"I'm sorry," I whisper. "For whatever it is you're mad at me for. Even though I did nothing wrong to need to apologize"

"You're a killer"

"But I've never done anything to you"

"You could've. You were going to kill me"

"Love hate relationship," I say with a shrug.

"You were my enemy, I can't be in love with the enemy"

"Why not? I was"

His eyes were pulled from the road to me. He looked surprised at how blunt I was.

"I don't know how I feel anymore though, we were ruined before we had the chance for there to even be a we"

Genocide (Nightwing x OC)Where stories live. Discover now