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August 24

"All the invitations had been sent out last week, correct?"

"Yes, madame"

"And they've all been responded to? We know who's going to be here and who isn't?"

"Yes, madame"

"The venue is all decorated and set up?"

"Yes, madame"

"The outfits are all made?"

"Yes, madame"

"The stylists are all ready?"

"Yes, madame"

"What about music? Is the DJ that I wanted going to be there?"

"Yes, madame"

"Good. Thank you, Marceau, you make my life way easier"

"That's my job madame"

"Now... what am I forgetting?" I ask, tapping my fingers on my arm.

"You need to be fitted for your dress before the show, and you have an invitation from Mr. Wayne to have dinner with him and his family after the show"

"Really? Huh, that's sudden. Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"We only received the invitation today"

"Well, call my stylist and tell her I'll need her early. Tell her she'll receive extra pay. And I want to make a few adjustments to my dress so leave me be until the show"

"Of course, madame"

He gracefully left my office, shutting the large doors behind himself. I sat in the chair behind my desk, staring at the picture of me and Bruce on my laptop. It was of when we first started the partnership, the story was still all over the news about the billionaire Bruce Wayne working alongside the young billionaire and designer Sage Brook.

My eyes drifted away from the picture towards the red dress in the corner of my room. It was plain and simple, just a short skirt with one sleeve, but it was missing something. I grabbed a long piece of red fabric and wrapped it around the waist, cutting and stitching here and there to make it perfect.

"Madame, it's time to leave for the show," Marceau told me through my bracelet.

"Alright, I'm coming"

My limo drove me to the show, pulling up to the high value venue. Once inside, when all the models were ready, the show started without a hitch. Models would walk down the runway then back, none of them making any faults.

"Ms. Brook, you're up next," the director of the show told me, looking at the clipboard in her hands.

"Am I supposed to say anything? Or is it just a simple walk down and back"

"A speech was prepared for you if you wanted to say some things"

She handed me a piece of paper with words written on it and a microphone. The second last model came backstage and I was shoved out. Walking down the runway came naturally, the skirt of my dress that I recently added floating behind me. I stopped at the end, looking around at the prestigious audience.

I take a quick glance at the paper before beginning to speak. "Thank you everyone for coming to this event. This, as you may already know, is my fifth successful runway show"

The audience applauded, some people whistling. The atmosphere was light, like you could just float around, there wasn't a tense body in the room.

"I want to thank everyone who made this possible. And don't worry, I won't talk your ears off. There's only one thing I want to add"

What was written on the paper, after all the thank yous, was a threat. It read 'stop the lies, reveal your secrets, before I decide I had enough of all your perfectness'.

I gawk at the paper for a second before realizing I was till on stage in front of hundreds of people. A smile replaced the slightly visible frown that made a short appearance.

"I will be taking offers from anyone in the audience for custom designs!"

I strutted off the stage, heading for the director. She was talking with some of the other models about their performances. I tap her shoulder, crossing my arms and tapping my foot as I waited for her to finish talking.

"Sorry, we're just trying to fix some things for next time," she said, her smile turning into a frown when she saw me. "What's wrong?"

"Who gave you that paper? Who wrote it?"

"Uh, I think it was your butler, Marceau? He said if you agreed to say the speech to give it to you"

I scoff, brushing past her. "Great"

"Ms. Brook, your car is here to take you to Wayne Manor," a security guard told me.

He brought me to my car which was reasonably parked in the back of the building. I took off to Bruce's mansion, finding their butler - Alfred - waiting for my arrival outside.

"It's good to see you Ms. Brook," he said when I walked up the steps to the large front doors.

"Good to see you too, Alfred"

"Master Wayne is waiting for you inside"

I went inside the mansion, not stunned by the size. This wasn't my first time here. Without any guests the whole area looked quite empty and huge. The two sets of stairs were giant, leading up to the second floor. Some young boys were sitting on a couch that had been placed to the left of the room, in front of a tv.

"Hey, I'm Sage," I say to the two boys who were staring at me.

"Brook?" The smaller but more violent looking one asked.


"Sage, I'm sorry for asking you here so late," Bruce said, walking down the stairs.

"My show was finished anyway," I say with a shrug, working on detaching the excess skirt that was starting to become annoying.

"Was that one of the dresses?" A pretty girl with orange hair asks, walking in from another room to the right.

"Yeah, a bit fancy for dinner but I didn't want to keep you waiting"

"One moment," Bruce said before standing to the side with Alfred, telling him to go do something.

"This way"

He led the way to the dining room. There was a long table with chairs pushed in and plates, silverware and glasses set up. We each took our seats and Dick decided to show up then.

"Good, you guys didn't start without me"

"We just sat down, we would have started without you," the youngest said.

"Sage, this is Damian, Tim, Barbara, and Dick"

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