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January 1

"Who's Grayson?" He asks.

"Don't play games with me, I know who you are. Your secret identity is a secret that is now in my brain. It wasn't hard. You two have the same voice and same colour hair. I bet if I removed that mask I'd see the beautiful blue eyes of Dick"

"You're wrong"

"You want me to think I am"

My bracelet buzzed, telling me it was 12:00. Midnight. It was a new day.

"It's midnight, you know what that means?" I ask.


"Time to start your New Years resolution. Guess what mine is," I pause for a second. "To kill everyone in this house"

"I can't let you do that"

"It will be very hard to stop me when you're dead"

We started fighting, a fight to the death. Either he would die, or I would. I could hear a cape in the distance, the cape blowing behind someone who was running. Batman was coming, and I wasn't in the mood to deal with him. I made a flower appear in my hand and held it up to his face. A dust flew out of the flower, knocking him unconscious.

"Sweet dreams superhero," I say.

I was about to stab him, but my hesitation and the masked vigilante running towards me made me stop. Instead, I ran in the opposite direction, getting away before I could get caught. I changed my hair back into blonde, changing my dress into a shirt and jeans. I locked the door and jumped on my bed, making it seem like I had been shoved in here and locked inside.

I looked up from the bed when I heard the door unlock and open, seeing Dick, no longer with the Nightwing mask on. He looked happy and relieved to see me, still alive and breathing.

"You're okay"

I stood up as he walked over to me after closing the door behind him. We hugged, holding onto each other tightly. I was scared that he'd figure out who I was and that it'd ruin the whole thing we had going on.

After going out for lunch we kept talking to each other, never losing touch. In those couple months I started to grow feelings for him, I liked him. But I knew with my life love wasn't something I could have.

"I thought you were dead," he said, pulling away but cupping my hands in his cheeks.

"I thought I was going to be dead too. Is she gone?"

"I think, Batman and Nigthwing showed up, they chased after her"

"Good. What about the other guests? Is Bruce okay?"

"Bruce is okay but only... only two of the other guests survived. Bruce is bringing them home. Genocide killed everyone else"

I gasp, pretending to be shocked and sad about the information. "That's awful. How could someone do such a thing?"

"She has to have her motives. No one would kill as a job, not someone like her," he said, more to himself than me.

"Did you ask her why she does it?"

"She only told me it was for money, but that's not the truth. How are you feeling"

"I was scared, but I'm fine now"

We both smiled and the distance between us slowly started to disappear. When our lips did touch we both reacted instantly. It started out as just a little kiss, but it turned into something where the both of us couldn't help ourselves. We were two grown ups, about to do something that was perfectly fine in today's society.

Our lips didn't separate as his hands trailed down to the bottom of my shirt, lifting it up a little before he pulled it off completely as we took a quick breath. I sat down on the bed, lying down, and he crawled on top of me after pulling off his own shirt.

Then his hands worked at my jeans, slowly pushing them down. He kissed my chest, leaving a trail of kisses all the way down my stomach, but he stopped when he got just below my belly button.

His eyes were trained on my tattoo, the flower and the knife that was a mistake in my life that I just couldn't bring myself to get rid of. Time froze and it made me wonder what the outcome of this would be.

"You..." he said, trailing off.

He looked up at me, eyes filled with hurt and betrayal. I didn't like knowing that my greatest enemy was the guy I liked either, but I tried to live with it. I should've known this is where it was always going to end.

I shove him off of me, stumbling off the bed in only my underwear with messy hair. From his point of view I probably looked angry, but I felt like crying. The one thing I wanted, ruined, the one person I wanted, I would never have him.

I swallowed my nervousness, trying to make sure my voice didn't sound shaky. "Just go. Go before one of us has to kill the other"

Genocide (Nightwing x OC)Where stories live. Discover now