The News

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November 1

The tv studio I was going to was all the way in Central City, so the drive took a while. Marceau told me someone called, asking for an interview. I wasn't told what it would be about but agreed anyway.

My phone rang and I answered, allowing the call to come through my car since my phone was connected to it. Dick's voice spoke up from the speakers.

"Brook speaking," I say.

"Hey Sage, are you going to the interview?"

"Why, wondering when you need to turn on the tv to be able to see me?"

"No, I'm going to be there too"

"... what's the interview about?"

"They didn't tell me. Did they not tell you either?"

"Nope. Guess we'll figure it out when it starts. I gotta go, I'm almost there"

I hung up and found a parking spot close to the studio. Someone saw me and rushed over, saying they were going to show me around inside until the interview started.

"This is your dressing room," she said. "I'll come get you when we're going on air"

She walked away and I went inside, finding Dick sitting on a couch in a black tuxedo, scrolling through his phone. He looked up at the door opening and smiled at me.

"You look beautiful"

"Such a nice compliment from such a handsome young man," I say, going over to sit next to him. "But flattery will not easily get you anywhere with me"

"A guy can dream," he said with a laugh, rolling his eyes. "Where will flattery get me?"

"If you're lucky-" I say, leaning closer to him, lowering my voice. "-some cash to make you disappear"

We both started laughing and the assistant came in, looking confused but excited. She seemed to be a very big fan of me and my designs and Dick and his famous image as Bruce's adopted son.

"It's time," she said, clearly trying to hold back a loud squeal.

We both went out on the set that was in front of a live audience, sitting in the one love seat positioned next to the desk where the interviewer sat. He was talking with someone, probably the producer, about what was going to happen.

"They're here," the assistant told them.

"Sage! Dick! Good to see you two. We're starting in a minute"

"Why are we here exactly?" I ask.

"You'll learn in a couple minutes"

Someone counted down until we were on air and the interviewer started talking, introducing both me and Dick and some other people who were helping behind the scenes.

"Now! On to the big topic of discussion for this evening. I believe we've all seen this picture"

"What picture?" I whisper to Dick. He only shrugged.

"So, we brought ourselves to bring the two lovebirds here and explain everything!"

"What?" Me and Dick asked in unison.

"Isn't that adorable?" He asked the crowd, then turned to us. "So, how long has it been"

"Since when?" Dick asks.

"Since you've started dating"

"I have good news for Dick's fan girls. We aren't dating," I answer for the both of us. "What makes you think we are?"

"The picture"

He took out his phone and showed us the picture of me and Dick, both sitting at the restaurant holding hands. From the sorry look in my eyes and the pained look in Dick's the picture was taken right after I figured out who he used to be and what happened to his family.

"Why does everything have to be taken out of context?" I mumble.

"We were just talking about business," Dick explains.

"Then why were you holding hands?" The interviewer asks, pocketing his phone.

"Well, we got to talking about family. We all know my family, how they gave me the opportunity to run the company. And we talked a little about his family"

"Ooh," he said, looking a little let down. "I was hoping you two were, you could've been the next cutest couple"

"Sorry to burst your bubble," I say. "Bubbles don't last forever"

"You're right. Well, at least that means you're still single. Good news to whoever has their eye on you"

"You aren't talking about yourself, are you?"

He laughs. "No, I'm taken, but there must be someone who's got your eye"

"Not really. I'm busy, too busy to deal with anything or anyone"

"Well, thanks for being on the show"

The cameras stopped rolling and Dick and I both left, heading over to my car after removing the mics we had on.

"I wish they'd talk about things other than romance," I grumble.

"I wasn't expecting that"

"The picture came out of nowhere," I agree.

I stood on the driver's side of my car and he stood on the other side. We looked at each other over the top of it.

"Do you need a ride? Or is Alfred coming to pick you up in a fancy limo"

"You're going to Gotham anyway, aren't you?"

"I live there, so yes"

"I'd love a ride"

I dropped him off at Wayne Manor once we arrived in Gotham but he didn't step out of the car right away. He turned to me and kissed my cheek, then cooly stepped out of the vehicle.

"I'll call you later Sage," he said with a wink.

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