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August 14

The guards all started running in the same direction, towards the front of the prison. All the other inmates had been woken up by the alarms and shouting guards, they were all standing with hands wrapped around the bars, trying to stick their heads through to see.

The same guard from before came to my cell, unlocking the door. He grabbed my arm, shoving me out of the cell, then dragged me towards the back of the prison. The other inmates were shouting at us as we walked past, wanting to get out of here too.

A helicopter was waiting for us, two men with masks sitting in the front. In the back was the Joker, a gas mask on his face as well, a trigger in his hand. He pressed it when he saw us nearing them. It didn't explode like I expected it to, but I could hear screams of the prisoners and guards. Laughing. They were going insane.

I was shoved into the helicopter, sitting across from the Joker and beside the guard. The helicopter took off and we started flying away.

"What was that?" I ask.

"A special gas invented by me, makes anyone near go insane. You made the right choice," Joker said.

"We both knew the second option was impossible, you pretty much gave me no choice," I grumble.

"What do you think the Yes or No was for?"

"It was either let him be killed and stay in prison, or break out of prison and work for you and he lives. I don't need anymore people I care about dying at the hands of you"

He hands me a slip of paper, it had an address on it. That's all it was, but I knew it was where they had tied Dick up. The guard removed the inhibitor collar from my neck.

"You might want to change your look, they're gonna be after you now"

I changed my eye and hair colour, changing the clothes I was wearing into a short sleeve dress. We stopped moving and they threw a rope down. I slid down the rope and landed on a roof. They flew away and I started running, headed directly towards Dick.

It was an old warehouse near the docks. The door was locked so I kicked it in. I ran in, looking around the entire place. I stopped abruptly when I checked a separate room. He was there.

He lifted his head up, looking at me, and his eyes widened, probably because he was seeing some random girl. He looked even worse in person than the picture. I ran around behind the chair and untied him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, looking at me over his shoulder.

I remained silent, helping him out of the chair. I brought him out of the warehouse, it was now pouring rain. He moved away from me and stared at my face as the rain started soaking our hair and clothes.

"Who are you?"

I shake my head, not opening my mouth. My eyes trailed down to his lips and I new it was the wrong time to even be near him. He took a step closer to me, a hand reaching out to touch me, but I spun and ran as soon as he moved.

He didn't chase after me, I didn't hear any other footsteps splashing through puddles but mine. I stumbled around a corner, stopping with my back pressed against a brick wall.

A bunch of police cars sped by, heading in the direction of the prison. I peeked around the corner, catching a glimpse of Nightwing going up to the roofs of the buildings and running across them. A tear, camouflaged by the rain still falling, slipped down my cheek as I watched him run away from me.

"Hey, I've got a job for you," Joker said from behind me.

I held my hand up but kept looking down the street. He put something in my hand then disappeared. I backed further into the dead ended alley, changing my look so I would easily be hidden for this job.

I killed the victim, trying to push back all of the feelings that would keep me from doing this. But when I thought of Dick I was on the edge. If I did this, he'd hate me, which wasn't exactly a bad thing because at least he'd be alive. If I didn't do this, he would be the Joker's first target, then it would be me.

That night, as I stood watching the news reporters talking about the recent murder and how they thought this was the work of a new villain, I earned a new name.

"We have a new Genocide on our hands. Some have already nicknamed them, Slayer"

Genocide (Nightwing x OC)Where stories live. Discover now