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May 18

I woke up on my bed, two strong arms wrapped around my waist, a muscular chest as a pillow. Dick and I were sprawled out across the bed, the both of us not wearing anything. One of my legs had been wrapped around his and I was practically laying on top of him. The sheets were covering both of our naked bodies.

"Sage," Dick whispered. I lifted my head and saw him staring at me. "Morning"

I roll my eyes but smile, sliding towards the edge of the bed. I sat on the edge, my back facing Dick. The sheets rustled a little as he sat up.

"I'm going to get a shower," I tell him, heading for the connected bathroom. I turn to him once I reached the bathroom, hiding my body with the door. "That may or may not have been an invitation"

I left the door ajar, getting into the shower. Dick got in and stood behind me, his arms wrapping around my waist. He kissed my neck while the water fell down on us. But my bracelet buzzed, alerting me of the meeting I had scheduled with my design company.

"I have a meeting I need to go to in an hour," I tell him as he kept kissing my neck.

"So, you're saying we have an hour?" He asks with a smirk.

"I'm saying we have half an hour, I need the other half to get ready"

We started kissing, bodies pushed up against each other. I was enjoying it until I realized something.

"Don't you think this is a little fast?" I ask. "Just a couple days ago we hated each other, we hadn't spoken in months"

He shrugs, picking me up so I was looking down at him. My legs automatically wrapped around his waist as we stared at each other. Our faces were close, we were both breathing heavily, but he didn't make any move to put his lips on mine again.

"It's a love hate relationship"

An hour later I was sitting in my chair in the big meeting room, at the head of the table. Nightwing was standing beside me because he was my 'bodyguard'. It was the best cover for him since he wasn't allowed to leave my side.

"Why did you call this meeting?" Cassy asks, she wore a trench coat and business suit with a pencil skirt instead of pants. The serious one of the group.

"You aren't firing us, are you?" Deanna asks warily. She was the party girl.

"Or is this for a new fashion line you want to create?" Gabrielle, the joker of the group, asks.

"If you'll all be quiet I'll explain," they all hushed at my words. "I want to expand the company. We won't make clothes for just certain clients, I want to start my own clothing line that is for everyone. Cheap clothes"

"So, that means more jobs," Samantha says. She had long brown hair and was the smart one.

"And more money," Lucy said excitedly. She was the one that enjoyed the money.

"Exactly. It works for everyone. Now, the clothing won't be so high end as what I make for our clients because the fabric is too expensive, but I want us to make durable clothing that will last"

"Brilliant idea!" Mark exclaims. He was the nice guy with short blond hair.

"Samantha, you're going to be in charge of the design sector, make sure the fabrics are good. Deanna, I want you to work on finding some places to open shop. Cassy, hire some people who know how to sew, tell them they'll get around 3,000$ a month-"

"You're tossing your money away by paying them that much," she said.

"Trust me, I'm not. I want good work done on these clothes so that means I have to pay extra. Anyway, Gabrielle, you and Mark are going to go to the news, tell them about everything I plan on doing with this company. Finally, Charlie and Lucy, I want you and your team to come up with some designs that are casual but trendy"

"Aye captain," Charlie, the nerdy red head, responded.

They all rushed out of the room, excited to get started with their new jobs. I looked over at Nightwing who had an eyebrow raised in my direction. He looked amazed for some reason.

"You really know how to lead a business"

"Well, this is my job, I'd hope I'm good at it"

My secretary rushed into the room with stacks of papers in her hands. She came over and dropped them all on the table in front of me.

"Ms. Brook, Mr. Wayne wishes to speak with you," she told me.

"Send him in"

Bruce came in a second later and it was only the three of us in the room. Sage, Dick and Bruce. Genocide, Nigthwing and Batman. Bruce sat in a chair on the left side of the table, briefly looking at all the papers.

"I'm guessing you want to talk about my company," I say.

"I don't want to take it off your hands"

"Why not?"

"It's your company. But we can combine them so you won't be given all of the work, it will be split between you and I"

"So it'll be like Wayne-Brook Enterprises? That doesn't sound very good"

He chuckles, shaking his head. "No, both companies will still be their own, but we'll be working together more often, more than a partnership"

"Okay. What are your conditions?"

"I just want you to remain in charge, that's it"

I nod. "All right. I can do that. So, it's like a marriage where both keep their last names? We share everything, work together, but we're our own people"

"I guess, if that's how you want to describe it, yes. You just need to sign there," he says, pointing to a line on the papers.

"Great. So, two separate companies, working together in more than a partnership?" I ask, my hand with the pen hovering above the paper.


"Good enough for me," I say, signing off on the deal.

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