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July 20

I run my fingers through my hair, adding the final touch to my look, making the color change from black to blonde, but I leave my eye color the way it is. This wasn't something I loved to do, changing the way I looked, but it had to be done in order to keep my identity a secret.

"Ms. Brook, it's time for the charity gala," my butler, Marceau, told me in his french accent.

"Let's go then"

He opened the door of the limo for me and I stepped in. The gala was being thrown by Bruce Wayne, the billionaire who owned Wayne Enterprises, one of the many publicity events he threw throughout the year.

The limo pulled up to the door of his mansion where there were some expensive looking cars parked and other expensively dressed people. Marceau opened the door and offered a hand to help me out. I stepped out and all eyes were trained on me.

"Sage, I'm glad you could make it," someone said once I made it inside.

Standing in the crowd was Bruce Wayne in a black suit. He had black hair and a built body, quite a handsome man a lot of women desired. I met him halfway and shook his hand.

"Bruce, good to see you again"

"How is your company doing?"

I wasn't just a world famous fashion designer, I also owned a company that built tech. It used to belong to my parents but they retired, handing over everything to me. We worked alongside Wayne Enterprises and STAR Labs to make new technologies.

"Great. We're almost done settling an arrangement with the United Kingdom"

"That's quite an advancement, especially for someone your age"

What he meant by 'someone my age' was that I am only 19. And yes, I am young to be a trained killer, but my life advanced pretty quickly, especially after my parents retired, giving me all their problems at such a young age.

"It is, and for such little time. How are you doing these days? Still the popular bad boy?" I ask with a joking smile.

He chuckles. "I've had a lot of work to do recently"

Someone called out his name, trying to get his attention. "Excuse me," he said.

"Have fun with your fans"

He rolls his eyes as he walks away. I wandered around, talking with some people I knew here and there, occasionally sipping on some champagne. My eyes landed on a figure I had seen somewhere before but with a face I couldn't place. He had black hair, blue eyes and a face that looked like it belonged on the cover of a magazine.

Some rich names approached me before I could go speak to the hot stranger, asking if I could make their outfits for certain events they had coming up. While we were talking about that the front door burst open, catching the attention of everyone inside. The room went dead silent.

"We want Sage Brook, where is she?" The one in front demanded.

"Hand her over and no one gets hurt!" Someone else shouted.

"Shut up! I'm the one in charge here," the first man growled.

Bruce made his way over to me, making sure I wasn't going to just hand myself over. The man asked again, this time louder, shooting at the ceiling to make a point that he would start shooting if I wasn't handed over.

"What do I do?" I whisper to Bruce. "Should I go? I can't have all these people dying because of me"

"I'm going to get help"

He snuck towards the back of the room, away from the crowd, being as quiet as he could. While he was trying to sneak away to hopefully call for help someone started talking to the men from the balcony that was connected to the two staircases on either side of the room going to the second floor.

"Why do you want her?" They asked.

I looked up and saw a man in a black jumpsuit, fitted perfectly to his muscular body, with a blue logo or something on his chest. He had a mask covering his eyes. The only feature I could see from here was his black hair. It was the same person who I blinded days ago.

"We have orders from above"

Batman came in, throwing a smoke bomb. The room filled with smoke and while trying to find my way out a hand grabbed mine, pulling me out of the crowd. When we were out of the room, no longer in the smoke, I could see it was the guy standing at the balcony. He brought me outside, pulling me with him as he ran away from the mansion.

When we were a safe distance away, which was very far, he stopped, looking like he was going to turn back and go help Batman. I grabbed hold of his arm, keeping him in place so I could ask the questions I wanted answers to.

"Did you just save me? Or is this a kidnapping from an attempted kidnapping situation?"

"I saved you from those guys, I'm one of the good guys," he answers.

"And who are you?"

"Nightwing," he answers, smiling with teeth so white they looked fake.

I smile, even though I knew it was a very fake one. "Thank you, for saving me. But what about everyone else in the mansion? They're all in danger"

"Batman's taking care of them"

"Good. Thank you, again"

"No problem"

He ran off and I looked around, no clue to where I was. "How am I supposed to get back?" I shout.

A car pulled up, most likely the Batmobile, and I reluctantly got in, watching as the world around us sped by. I stepped out once we were outside the mansion and the doors unlocked.

"Sage, what happened?" Bruce asked when he spotted me.

"Nightwing saved me"

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