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AMAZING TRAILER BY: clairerenee !

"I'm Luke." The stranger smiled, his eyes down casted.

I didn't pay much attention to his words or actions, because I was currently wondering how on earth I was suppose to get pink alcohol out of my stark white top.

"Is that short for Lucifer?" I grumbled, finally looking up and meeting the boys' eyes.

His cheeks were lighting up in a pink hue, which signaled how sheepish he was being about this conversation with me. I raised my eyebrow delicately, before wiping my sticky hands on the napkin he gave me. I had no time for small talk, not with this exceedingly large wet stain on my stomach, so I began to walk away.

"Actually it's short for Lucas." He whispered out, and I stopped for a minute. His hopeful gaze met mine. "What's your name?"

"My name's God," I said mockingly, "and that being said we obviously aren't a good match for each other."

I continued to walk through the bodies of sweaty high school students until I stepped in front of my best friend, Willow. She had managed to gain a crowd of boys around her, which didn't surprise me. In fact it was so like Willow I merely rolled my eyes and coughed to gain her attention.

"Oh. Hey!" She smiled, grabbing my wrist and dragging me into a circle of people I didn't know. "This is Michael, Ashton and Calum. They're in the band that's performing tonight."

"Hi." I nodded mutely, not offering my name up. I just wanted to get out of this t-shirt and into some comfortable sweats.

"What's your name?" Michael, I think, asked—obviously he wasn't having any of my silence. I shrugged lamely, about to introduce myself when the boy from before rocked over.

"You guys will never guess the girl—oh," he paused suddenly when he realised I was standing there, still covered in alcohol. My eyes narrowed as I assessed the boys' features, before coming up with the only name in my head right now.


lucifer, l.hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now