How He Realises His Feelings For You

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(Younger) Professor X- He realises that he has feelings for you when he sees you trying to control your powers while also helping the students at the school.

(Younger) Magneto- He realises he has feelings for you when he sees you getting upset and scared by someone yelling because your dad would shout all the time, and realises he wants to always be there to protect you.

Beast- He realises he has feelings for you when you first work together in the lab. When he sees you joking and having fun while also working, he realises that he likes you as more than a friend.

Cyclops- He realises he has feelings for you when you try to help him with his mutation when he is still in school.

Wolverine- He realises he has feelings for you when you spend so much time unnecessarily fussing over his injuries. Seeing how much you care about him makes him really realise what you mean to him.

Gambit- He realises he has feeling for you when he starts spending more time with you. After realising that you're both mutants, you decide to help him. Your kindness makes him realise he loves you.

Colossus- He realises he has feelings for you when you get out of the hospital wing of Professor X's school and he spends a lot more time with you, getting to know you better.

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