How He Cheers You Up When You're Sad

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(Younger) Professor X- When you're sad, Charles will put on music wherever you guys are in the school and dance with you. Being so close to him will cheer you up usually.

(Younger) Magneto- When you're upset, Erik will try to drop everything and do whatever you want to cheer you up. Whether you want to go shopping, go for a walk, do something like ice skating or you want to stay in, cook together, have a movie night and cuddle, he will do it, even if he doesn't really want to.

Beast- When you're sad, Hank tries to find something that he thinks you will enjoy working on to help you forget about what was making you sad, even if it is only temporary. If you're sad later, once whatever it was is finished, he will sit with you in his lap, his arms around you, and read to you.

Cyclops- When you're upset, Scott will act silly to try to cheer you up. He will mess around, pretending that you are a girl he doesn't know that he is trying to convince to go on a date with him, getting increasingly silly until you laugh.

Wolverine- When you're upset, Logan will take you away from the school to the forest to go explore with you. He knows that being away from people for a while and having something that you enjoy to do will help you cheer up. He will hold your hand while you explore, making sure nothing hurts you.

Gambit- When you're sad, Remy will sit with you and tell you how much he loves you. He will tell you that whoever upset you is stupid and point out everything about you that he loves, both physically and mentally.

Colossus- When you're upset, Piotr will make you a hot cocoa and sit with you in his lap by the fire, cuddling with you, kissing you, making you drinks, getting you food and talking to you until you feel better.

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