What You Argue About The Most

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(Younger) Professor X- You argue most about how whether you're going to stay in or go out for the night.

(Younger) Magneto- You argue most about him always moving your stuff around so you can't find it. Usually, it's in your pocket or exactly where you left it and you've just forgotten, but he's used to it by now and knows he'll get an apology once you find it.

Beast- You argue most about how much time he spends working. It sometimes feels like he has no time for you outside of doing work together.

Cyclops- You argue most about who has to get back out of bed to turn off the lights. It isn't a real fight, but it is something you argue about almost every single night.

Wolverine- You argue most about his disappearances from the school. He will always leave for days or months at a time without giving any warning to anyone, even you.

Gambit- You argue most about his flirty nature. He always flirts with other people, and, even though you know it means nothing, you can't help but feel unwanted.

Colossus- You argue most about him being distracted on dates. It isn't necessarily that there is somewhere he would rather be, but you want attention when you're on a date.

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