When You're Ill

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(Younger) Professor X- When you're ill, Charles will keep you tucked up in bed all day, even if you try tell him you'll be okay to get onto your day. He won't let you go until you're better.

(Younger) Magneto- When you're ill, Erik will usually have to get on with his day as planned, but he makes sure you know that you can get in contact with him at any time and he will come running if you need anything.

Beast- When you're ill, Hank encourage you to try go about your day as normal if you aren't feeling too bad, but he won't try force you to get out of bed if you feel like you need to stay there.

Cyclops- When you're ill, Scott will try not to get too close to you in case he gets ill, but if you need him to get anything for you, he will.

Wolverine- When you're ill, Logan will do whatever you want him to do. He'll stay in bed and cuddle with you until you feel better and go get you anything you ask for. If you want him to, he'll carry you around all day, just because he loves you and doesn't want to have to leave you alone if he has anything else he absolutely has to do.

Gambit- When you're ill, Remy will run you a nice hot bath to help you relax and hopefully make you feel a little better. Afterwards, he will help you dry you off and tuck you up in bed.

Colossus- When you're ill, Piotr will do whatever you want him to do. If you want him to cuddle with you all day, he will. If you want him to leave you alone for a bit, he will. He just wants you to get better, so he tries to get you to stay in bed and relax and let him do everything for you.

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