how you die || boys

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You sprint over to Scott as a bullet that kills alpha's flies towards him and it hits you instead, and you die in his arms, knowing that you died saving a life.


Void Stiles killed you with his last oni just before they killed him, and Stiles says he will never forgive himself, because he thought he could have saved you.


You wanted the bite of an Alpha, which was him at the time, so he bit you after protesting, but your body rejected the bite, and instead of becoming a different supernatural species like Jackson did, you died because your body couldn't take it any longer.


He almost got killed by an assasain, until you showed up and fought the murderer off. He The asassin cuts your throat and you choke to death, while Liam tries to stop the bleeding, but you tell him you'll see him again soon.


You found out Isaac was in the hospital and left no time to wait as you sprinted to your car, unfortunately it was pouring down with rain, and you crashed into a tree, killing you at an instant and Isaac never got to say goodbye.


Theo didn't seem to be a man with much emotion, but ever since he met you, he finally felt as if he had a heart. He swore to protect you until the day he dies, but it seemed to be the other way round as you were a human fighting with the supernautural. You got clawed in the chest by none other than Douglas, and Theo took all your pain away with a kiss he should have gave you when you were alive and happy.


After finding out that your boyfriend Jackso the kanima was being controlled by Gerard after Matt died, he Gerard killed you the same way he did with Matt in front of Jackson to show him he shouldn't feel because it gets in the way of Gerard having power.


The orphans tried to kill you, brett and lori at the lacrosse field, and succeeded in killing you as an arrow laced with wolfsbane speared through your chest and you died alone as kira dragged brett away from you, his crying and screams waking the whole town of beacon hills that night.


You were in the car when Deputy Haigh tried to kill jordan to get his money reward. Sadly though, you werent on the list of supernaturals as you were completely human, and it burned you to a crisp, Jordan never forgets the day.

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