can't swim || allison argent

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"C'mon Y/N!" Your friend Jennifer shouts, running down the wooden path on the sand of the beach

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"C'mon Y/N!" Your friend Jennifer shouts, running down the wooden path on the sand of the beach.

You run after her, joined by your other friend Ryan. You both catch up with Jennifer and find a spot in the beach to lay your towels down on. You sit down on your towel and put a slab of sun cream on your arms and legs.

After doing that for five minutes, you hear a whistle blow. You look up to where the sound is coming from, and your eyes widen when you see that the life guard is the lost gorgeous girl you have ever seen in your life.

She is absolutely stunning. Her chocolate brown hair is tied in a high pony tail, cheeks rosy red, honey coloured eyes bright in the sun.

You can't stop staring. You suddenly feel a pinch on your arm and hiss at the pain, turning to the attacker. Ryan wiggles his eyebrows, nodding his head towards the life guard. "You like her then, huh?"

You are about to deny it, but you know that Ryan is amazing at matching people up. So instead, you nod your head with enthusiasm, which earns a right smile off of Ryan.

"In that case, I have a fantastic idea!" He giggles, slapping your arm playfully. You scoot up to him as he explains to you the plan.

"Me and you walk to the sea. Pretend that you can't swim, but I don't know that until I throw you in. You pretend you're drowning, and the hot girl saves you! Running towards you in her bikini, hair flicking back and forth! It will be like god is coming towards you." He says, dreamily.

You love the plan, so you and Ryan tell Jennifer that you're going to swim. You play around for a bit, and when Ryan nods at you, he proceeds to pick you up and throw you into the sea.

"No! I can't swim!" You shout, then feel yourself colliding with the icy water, falling down into it.

You start acting, and bring your head up, gasping for air. You wave your hands frantically at the hot lifeguard, and she sees you, before you fall back into the water again.

When you get back up, you see her running towards you, and a small smirk appears on your lips, but quickly vanished when she meets your eyes.

You go down again, then your heart skips a beat when you feel a pair of hands wrap around your torso, bringing you back up above water. You look at the girl and she smiles at you, swimming with her arm around your waist towards the shore.

When you finally get to the sand, she places her hands onto your forehead, then shaking your cheeks. You can't stop staring at her, and you think she's starting to notice.

"Thank you so much for saving me..." you say, waiting for her to tell her your name.

"Allison." She replies, grabbing your hand to help you sit upright. "And by the way, I heard you and your friend talking about this plan she's ago. Your net very subtle. You're so called 'whispering voice' is so loud."

Your eyes widen, and it feel a blush creep up your cheeks. They are for certain red.

But before you can say anything more that will embarrass yourself, Allison speaks up.

"For the record, I've been checking you out since I saw you walk by. You're really hot." She chuckles, and you feel yourself relaxing at her confession.

"So, should we start again? I'm Y/N." You laugh, giving her your your hand for her to shake. She shakes it. "And I'm Allison. So, date next Friday?"

"I'll be there."


Sorry this ain't amazing, but I saw this prompt and it was so cute I had to

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