emotional tether || allison argent

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You, Allison, Stiles, Scott, and Lydia all stand around Deaton as he fills three baths with ice and water, ready for three people to occupy them.

Deaton finishes then turns to you all. Stiles shows him his father's badge, a silver bullet from Allison and Scott and your mother's watch. Deaton explains how it is important that the person who holds you down must also be able to pull you back up, and must have a deep connection to you, like an emotional tether.

Subconsciously, you make your way toward your brother Scott, but Deaton stops you before you reach him.

"(Y/n). You go with Allison."

You ignore the sharp and confused look coming from your brother, and instead your heart leaps for Allison. You've loved her since as long as you can remember. Seeing her with Scott has left you heartbroken. You look over to her and she smiles softly at you. Deaton pairs Stiles with Lydia and he goes with Scott.

You line yourselves at the end of the bath, and you shake in fear, the idea of the chance that you might lose Allison forever makes your heart ache.

Just as they're about to step in and risk everything, Allison says, "wait,"

Heads turn towards her, and she turns towards you, fear and desperation clear in her brown eyes. "(Y/n), I can't risk my life without telling you something first, because I can't die-"

"Which you won't." You interrupt her.

"No, I can't die knowing that I didn't tell you how I feel about you." She says, making you fall quiet. She sighs deeply, and looks into your eyes. "(Y/n), I love you."

Your eyes wide and you smile, finally hearing the words come out her mouth. Your dream became a reality, as Allison Argent loves you like you love her.

"I love you too, Alli." You tell her with confidence, and pull her gave to yours, pressing your lips onto hers, knowing this won't be your last kiss.


I don't know if this opinion is popular or unpopular, but I HATE Allison Argent with a burning passion. I hate her whole character, the only thing I respect about her is he feminism and her own independent strength, otherwise, she can fuck right off

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