I will kill him

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(Past 2004 11 years old)

"Hey thanks man today was fun" I chuckle looking at my closest friend Liam.

"Hey no problem It was pretty amazing besides ask your mom if you can stay the night at my house tomorrow" He says.

"Of course bye li" I smile giving him a high-five walking home only a couple blocks away I walked in the house ready to say im home until someone grabbed me.

"S-shh please zayn look at me."Its my sister Doniya. she gave me a sign to be quiet so I did.

"I need you to hide and dont come out do you hear me you do not come out that hiding space no matter what you hear or what happens you stay in there please" I tear up scared. 

"W-why wheres mom and dad" I say tears rolling down my face scared.

"No questions go NOW" I ran to my hiding place crying softly scared of whats going on.

"Wheres my money Yaser" I hear a man say.

"I dont have your fucking money Desmond its gone okay someone stole it" my father says.

"Y-yaser please if you have it give it up" I hear my mom cry.

"Oh someone stole it huh....well lets steal the life of your wife" I heard movement then a gasp.

"I DONT HAVE IT PLEASE DONT DO THIS" my father screamed I couldn't take it I get out of my hiding place going to where they are staying hidden seeing the strange man hold a gun to my moms head I cry harder silently holding in my broken sobs.

"Wheres my fucking money" He glared at my dad

"I dont have it desmond" My father cries

"Not the right answer" He says darkly shooting my mother in the head. I let out a scream.

"WHOS THERE" He looked around but I covered my mouth not wanting him to find me.

Mommy's gone

"NOOOOO" My dad lunges at the man named Desmond only to end up getting shot in the head to. I sob hard trying to stay quiet, hoping and praying this is just a dream.



My sister shot and killed I sobbed holding my mouth tighter not wanting sobs to break through. I watched  as the men grabbed there things leaving as if nothing happened.

"M-mama, Bubba, D-donny" I sob dropping to my knees looking at there bodies

I will kill him.


How do you like the first chappie?

Do you think zayn will kill desmond?

What will happen to zayn?

By the way this is just the past to let you in on what went down Next chappie will be present and lets you know whats going on with him now. Maybe ill introduce harry :) .

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