For the rest of ours

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"Nice shot liam" I smirk walking into the double doors seeing Harry at the alter.

"Anyone Missed me" I smirk seeing harry eyes light up. He was coming to run to me but the man at the alter grabbed him.

"MINIONS KILL HIM" Desmond screamed out. There were man coming left and right but quickly got stopped by all the butler and maids who were obviously on my side.

"Guess it's just you and me punk"Desmond spat taking out a gun.

"How about you fight me like a man and not like some pussy who has to shoot every fucking time....Hit me you weak son of a bitch" I say dropping my gun charging at him.

He tries punching me in the face but I dodged it punching him in the nose hearing a crack.

"Son of a bitch" He growls tackling me on the floor.

"ZAYN" I hear Harry cry struggling against the man who was holding him. I elbow Desmond in the mouth flipping us over punching him repeatedly lifting him up putting a gun to his head.

"NO" Anne screamed crying looking at me I cocked the gun.

"P-please don't shoot him" She pleaded I only laughed.

"You killed my fucking family YOURE A HOME WRECKER" I yelled at her.

"I-I'm Sorry " She sniffles.

"You're a fucking liar you have a husband and you cheated or well should I say did have a husband" I say bitterly pulling the trigger watching Desmond blood splatter in her face.

"NO" She screamed.

I drop Desmond's body looking over at harry who elbowed the guy at the alter stomach flipping him over making him groan in pain.

"That's my baby boy" I say.

"You killed my dad" he says with no emotion. I frowned at him.

He's gonna leave me for good.

"B-babe I-I'm So-" I got cut off with a pair of lips connected to mine. His lips were so soft and lovely I can kiss them all day.

"THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE MY WEDDING" The man shouted charging at me. I pull away quickly about to defend myself but harry already had my gun in his hands pulling the trigger shooting the man right in the head.

My eyes went wide in shock Harry walked up to his lifeless body and kept shooting and shooting till there were no more bullets.

"H-harry baby it's okay" I pull him in my arms as he sobbed holding him close.

"It's okay princess" He sniffles dropping the gun snuggling in my chest.

"Y-you corrupted my son...." we both pull away from one another to see Harry's mother staring at us with so much hate.

"Bit-" I get cut off by harry.

"No Zayn let me....Listen Mother I would gladly love to put a bullet through your head...I'm gonna go away...with Zayn and our baby. That's right I'm pregnant with zayns child not deans It was never his baby. Zayn is the only person I ever want...I hate you and I hope one day you understand what you and my father did was horrible" He says grabbing my hand walking over his fathers body leading me out the venue.

"Wait harry you're pregnant with my baby" I smile.

"Y-Yeah you're not mad?"

"Hell no my legacy...I mean our legacy will go on and on...I am so happy baby" I smile taking his hand in mine.

"Me too I love you Zayn" He says to me with hopeful eyes I never said I loved you back.

"I love you so much more princess".

"For the rest of your life?" Harry asks looking up at me with those beautiful eyes.

"For the rest of ours" I kiss him.


"Zaynnn Get your children" I whine as our two beautiful little girls were running around the house.

"Babe let them have there fun besides it's cute there cute"

"Mommy mommy looks" One Of our girls Princess says showing me a picture.Zayn named her that thought it was unique where the other one Name is queen. I had twins there both honestly my world with bright green eyes and curly jet black hair.

"Wow baby it's beautiful like you" I giggles kissing her nose. She blushes running off.

"Daddy tan I has ice tweam?" Queen asks Zayn looking up at him with pouty lips. Zayn couldn't resist.

"Fineee but let me talk to mommy real quick okay?"

She nods her head fast running off where princess went.

"Thank you harry....for everything" Zayn says looking at me.

"What why?"

"You saved me baby you made me a better person"

"You saved me to Zayn and I'm so great-full for having you baby" I say caressing his cheek.

"I love you so fucking much harry"

"For the rest of your life?" I ask looking up at him with those sexy hazel eyes.

"For the rest of ours" He kisses me.


The end❤️

GOD it was gonna be longer but I got side tracked with all my other books so I wanna end this Here sorry if it's not the best but HEYYY I tried 🤣💖

Love you guys.

Really sorry if it's not what you wanted💔

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