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An affair

This couldn't be true. I couldn't get what he said out of my head....What if he was right why if I do get down to the point where it's just me and him and I ask him?

Will I stop in my tracks from killing him??
Hell no he killed your family.
He did and he does deserve to die.

"N-no" I hear a whimper beside me seeing Harry toss and turn around I looked at the time to see it was only 3:40 am.

"p-please d-don't hit me" He sobs kicking around.

"Harry baby look at me " I try to stay quiet as possible shaking him.

"Z-Zayn" He sobs jumping in my arms crying.

"B-baby What happened are you Okay??" I don't know why I'm so worried about him. But seeing him cry and clearly in pain made me wanna kill the fucker who hurt him.

"I-I'm so scared z-zee s-so scared h-he hurt m-me s-so much" He looks at me so broken.

"B-baby who?" I said looking at him

"I-I can't s-say" He sniffles looking down.

"Harry tell me now" I say sternly seeing him flinch a little at my tone.

"I'm sorry I just.....I just don't want you hurt" I say kissing his head.

"M-my dad" He whispers so lowly I barely could hear him but I caught on.

"How did he fucking hurt you" I clench my fist.

"N-no cussing Z-zayn p-please" He looked at me pleadingly.

"Tell me now or I'll go to him myself and ask him" Again why am I so concerned about this boy??

"H-he hits me when I-I do s-something wrong....When h-he's h-high h-he m-makes f-fun o-of m-my stutter and m-my mom d-doesn't care" He sobbed harder putting his face in my chest.

What he said angered me I'm going to kill Desmond and his mother if its the last thing I do he hurt my baby and then his mom doesn't care?? Sorry ass excuse of a mother.

Now I have even more reasons to kill them.

"Im sorry baby he will not hurt you while I'm here ill make sure you're safe love" I say kissing his tears away feeling him nod his head yawning ever so cutely cuddling in my chest closing his beautiful green eyes knowing he's exhausted from all the crying.

I stared at him.

He was beautiful I only known him a day and a half and he's just so perfect.
I wouldnt mind telling him hes beautiful everyd-

What zayn what the hell are you thinking focus on the mission

I cant think about him like this. I cant because if I do.....

Ill destroy him.


Do you think zayn will protect harry?

What do you think of desmond now?

Will harry ever catch on too zayns motives??

Updated twice yusssss😂❤️

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