Stop niall

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"Harry I'm sorry I couldn't help you love" Niall says to me caressing my cheek so softly looking in my eyes. Zayn had left on a business run with my dad and knowing what there doing they wont be back until later tonight.

"I-its okay"I sniffle leaning into his touch.

"Its not okay i should have been here to protect you" I scoff at his words

"You know dang well my dad would put a bullet through your head so quick" I sigh looking up at him.

"I know but you're worth dying for" He said so sincerely looking me in the eyes. Why couldn't I love Niall i known him since i was 14 he's everything i want in a guy then Zayn shows up and makes me feel emotions i never felt before....Is there something wrong with me.

"God harry why cant you be with me" He looks so sad and i almost wanted to kiss him and tell we can.

"niall because my da-"

"No dont you say that its not your dad its something else i sense it fucking tell me Harry i love you so fucking much why cant you love me back" He gripped my arm tightly causing me to whimper.

"N-niall youre h-hurtin-" i tried to say but cut off with him pushing me on the bed kissing my neck.

" N-no let me go n-niall p-please no im sorry NO" I sob as i felt him try to rip my clothes off. I cant believe my best-friend was trying to rape me. Everything i shared with him was now destroyed.

"Shut the hell u-" His words got cut off with someone punching him on the side of the head knocking him out. I looked up to see the person who saved me and it was Zayn.

"Z-zayn" I sob jumping in his arms.

"Shhh baby i got you" He rubs my back kissing the side of my head.

"Princesses dont cry baby look i need you to get a outfit okay were gonna leave ill bring you in the morning so your dad doesn't say anything or knows he's passed out in his room" Zayn says wiping my tears making me nod walking right over a passed out niall grabbing an outfit.

"Im ready zaynie" I sniffle looking at him through my eyelashes

"Okay princess" he says quickly moving niall out the room locking the door putting me on his back climbing down the window carefully carrying me to his car.

Once we all buckled in he drove us to a huge house with people fighting or sparing.

Zayn had his own gang??

"z-zayn" But he looked at me putting his finger to his lips saying shh. I nodded my head getting out.

"Follow me head low" I nodded holding his hand as we walked past people and he took me to a room that was covered in black from head to toe.

"w-wow" I say

"Sorry im a dark person now lay with me princess" He says already in his boxers.

I take off my pants leaving me in my lace pink panties and a crop top.

"Fuck come here" I blush and does what he says he pulls me on his lap making me straddle him. He squeezes my ass giving it a light slap making me moan softly.

"Your moans are so fucking sexy" He says kissing my neck flipping us over so my back was laying on the bed looking up at him.

"Z-zayn" I moaned as he kissed my exposed stomach kissing down until he got to the waistband looking up at me asking for permission I nodded my head yes.

I dont know what made me say yes but he made me feel alive. Made me wanna be bad. Made me just wanna tell my father off. He gave me the confidence i needed and wanted and i honestly wouldnt mind giving him my virginity.

"Z-zayn i-i want too" I whispered

"What" He raises an eyebrow as he took my panties off looking at my body.

"i wanna have s-sex" i blushes hard i only known him for 5 days and I already wanna be bent over by him.

"Babe we will but not now on a special day" he said but furrowed his eyebrows as if he was confused on why he said that.

"Okay" I say kissing his cheek.

"But doesn't mean I'm gonna not make you feel good" he smirked pushing me down making me look at him curiously seeing him kiss my inner thigh looking up at me.

His gaze was so lustful made me want him more and more he's so perfect and sculpted by gods.

I moan in surprise once i feel hi tongue on my hole.

"Z-zayn p-please" i whine as he sucked and nipped on my wring of muscles making me wanna go insane. It felt so good. He felt so good. I moaned loud as he thrust his tongue in and out of me stroking my already hard cock leaking precum.

"so pretty princess" He says nudging his pointer finger on my hole making me whimper.

"Z-zayn p-please i-i want it m-more" I whine and he pushed the finger inside of me causing me to gasp at the new intrusion it stung but it was a good stinging making me moan louder if that was even possible.

He started fucking me with his finger One became two and two became three.

"Z-zayn i-i feel something" I moan legs shaking once i felt his lips wrap around me, he bobs his head up and down on my cock looking me in the eyes with a lustful gaze.

"Cum princess" he says around me.

" ZAYN" I scream cumming pulling his hair.

He swallowed pulling his fingers out releasing me from his mouth laying beside me kissing my cheek.

"You should be treated like a princess" He says to me pulling me to his chest as i fell asleep not even having enough energy to respond.


Sorry for being M.I.A alsooooo im sorry about niall i love him so much but i wanted him to be the bad guy here😭😭😭

Do you think Harry's to naive?

You think Niall will try again??

You think zayn will kill Niall??

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