Gang Gang

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(present 25 years old)

"I-I dont know where he is s-sir I-I do-" I cut him off shooting him in the head with no emotion. This was one of Desmond's inside men. 14 fucking years I haven't found him and when I get my hands on one of his little minions I kill them instantly. Well after I get my fucking answers.

"CLEAN THIS SHIT UP" I yell to my gang members. They nod there head instantly cleaning everything quickly. I get up going to my office. Crossing out the mans names. Im so close to getting my hands on him I feel it.

"Zayn Desmond is at the mall with his son" I look up seeing liam. I smirk.

"How old is the boy?" I ask

"Sources say hes 18 years old" he says. I nod my head putting my gun in my waist band.

"I wanna observe him no shooting or going after until my say we can follow him to see where hes going." 

"Alright..But zayn are you sure you wanna do this?" I look at him in disbelief.

"What the fuck you mean do I want to do this hell yeah I want this he killed my family liam hes never getting away with that i want him to beg for mercy. I wanna torture him and his family watch them fall apart. I wanna feel there fucking blood splatter in my face in front of there son. I wanna give them hell" I say darkly.

"O-okay" Liam said shakily.


I'm coming for you Desmond.


"Daddy why cant I shop by myself I'm old enough too" I ask pouting.

"Harry darling you're not going anywhere by yourself ill be devastated if you ever got taken away from me from all these other gang members I need you safe me and your mom would go crazy" He says kissing my forehead. I sigh tearing up.

"Why do you have to do this" I sniffle i hate getting emotional but I cant help it I'm never safe.

"Dont you dare cry wipe those tears now Harry" He says sternly. I wipe my tears quickly.

"S-sorry daddy" He shook his head telling me to go back to shopping while he takes a call. I look around at all the different clothing feeling like I'm being watched I looked up to see my dad to see him looking ahead still talking on the phone I frown looking around spotting a guy with jet black hair looking at me. I blush because my god he was hot.

 I blush because my god he was hot

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I wave shyly making him smirk. he waves back telling me to come over to him. I bit my lip contemplating if I should. I walk to him slowly looking back at my father to see him still on the phone.

"Hey beautiful" His deep smooth voice says.

"H-hi" I blush looking up at him.

"You look familiar" He says. I scrunch my nose up in confusion until I realized.

"O-oh i-i....My dad is Desmond styles" I frown that usually makes guys run for the hills but he stayed looking at me........Amused?

"Cool" He says. I was going to say something but I got cut off.

"Harry Edward Styles come here now" I turn around to see my father glaring at me. I tense up looking at the man I met to see him glaring daggers at my father.I walk to my father quickly hiding behind him knowing i'm going to get yelled at.

"who are you?" my father says to the man. He smirks looking at my father not looking scared at all.

"I'm Zayn. Zayn malik" The man known as zayn says.

"I heard that name before" My dad says.

"I bet you have but I should get going" Zayn chuckles looking at me winking walking away. I blush looking down.

"Harry i said no talking to strangers!!" he whispered-yelled.

"I-im sorry" I cry as he grabs my arm roughly taking me to the car throwing me in.

"You will be" He told the driver to drive.


"What happened zayn" Liam says once I get in the car.

"Just follow that black car.....Lets find out where this fucker lives" I said.


Harry and zayn met!!!

Do you think harrys father is suspicious of zayn?

Should zayn act like he wanna work for Desmond but low-key plotting against him??

Do you think harry will trust zayn once they get to know each other more??

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