Daddy's Here

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"Leave me alone dean"

"Oh come on we're getting married show some respect" Dean says pulling me towards him.

"P-please Dont touch me"Harry whimpers moving out his grip.

"You're gonna fucking listen to me or ill tell your daddy" He whispers harshly in my ear. I tear up not saying anything letting his disgusting hands roam my body.

"So beautiful harry too bad zayn had to die yeah" He smirks at me running his hands down my thigh making me slap his hand away.

"Dont touch me you sick twisted bast-"


Harry looked at him crying. "S-stop"

"Or what" He says slapping me again making a sob slip through my lips.

"N-none of your fucking business" I spit in his face.

He chuckles wiping off the spit looking at me with this deadly look raising his fist back about to punch me but I screamed out.


"what" he laughs.

"I-I'm pregnant b-by him b-but......W-we g-get m-married n-next month i-if you d-dont h-hit me o-or t-touch me i-ill tell m-my parents t-the b-baby i-is yours j-just p-please dont h-hit me" I cry hoping he would go through with it.

"Why would i wanna claim someone else's kid in you??"

"B-because it benefits both of us and also m-my father will be more respectful towards you" I sniffle.

"Hmm....Okay fine deal" He smirks rubbing my stomach making me flinch.

"Daddy's here" He kisses my stomach making me internally gag. Wishing Zayn was here

Did harry do the right thing??

Wheres zayn?

Do you like dean?

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