Gotta be kidding

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Third pov-

Its been 1 month Since shots were fired and the big truth zayn had found out about his family.
1 month ago Harry saw zayn lying on the ground in cold blood.

1 month ago~

"You had sex with my son you bastard" before zayn or anyone for that matter react Desmond shot zayn in the chest blowing the Pakistan man to the ground wheezing.

"ZAYN" harry had cried trying to reach for his broken lover. Harry was angry and sad. At his father but also at zayn for spreading his business but he still loved him deeply even if it has been a couple months knowing him.

"Lets go harry you're gonna get it GET THEM BOYS" Desmond had grabbed harry throwing him over his shoulder walking out the house as desmonds men and zayns men fought and killing each other.

"I-i love him da-daddy" Harry sobbed as his dad threw him in the car.

"but he doesn't love you and never will he's dead" Desmond spats slapping Harry in his face leaving a huge hand print.

"I-I hate you y-you're a monster" Harry whispers.

Desmond only shook his head not caring about what his precious son was saying.

~flashback over~


"Dad i have to go to my check up" I whisper looking down.

"Toni will go with you" I nod my head seeing Toni by my side we walk to the car in silence.

Once we were in the car I fiddled with my hands thinking about zayn. He's dead. I can never look into his beautiful hazel eyes again. I can never kiss his soft lips upon mine. I wanna kill my dad every single day for killing the man i loved. I didn't even get to hear him say i love you back.

Did he even love me back??

I want my zayn.

My zayn. I want him so much and now i cant its all fucking over. Im gonna die alone in a miserable life.

"Were here harry" Toni muttered stopping the car.

"Thanks" I say getting out the car walking into the hospital signing my name in.

After waiting for a few minutes my name got called. I get up following the doctor seeing him lead me to a room pointing to a bed.

"So harry what can i do for you today"

"I haven't been feeling well these past few days i have been throwing up, having mild headaches, and i eat a lot more..." I say to him

"Oh um can you lay back for me love im just gonna do a sonogram to check your stomach"

"I nod my head laying back lifting up my shirt

"Its cold" he says putting it on me making me wince at the coldness. I look at the screen trying to see if i can see anything.

"Oh wow harry"

"What am i gonna die!?!" I exclaimed.

"No love you're pregnant 3 weeks at that" the doctor say making me gasp.

"You've gotta be kidding me."


Oh ma god😱

Harry pregnant how do you feel??

Do you think zayn is really dead??

Also guys i have other ideas for the Let me series.

I wanted to different stories that the title is called let me. So my ideas for books would be....

Let me- Where harry is a homeless man and zayn wants to help him on his feet.

Let me- where zayn and harry grows up as bestfriends but harry was madly in love with niall they date and soon they get married and zayn sends him notes anonymously telling harry how much he loves and wants him.

Let me- Harry is deaf and feels like no one could ever love a deaf boy until zayn his sister best guy friend shows him you can be loved.

Let me: Where harry is a insecure shy stuttery boy whos life revolves around books until he meets a bad boy named zayn.

Soooo these are ideas i would write and if you guys ever wanna take one of them just let me know and ill cross it off i have so much listed on my phone its crazy.

Love you guys❤️

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