Help me Help you

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I woke up in the morning zayn was gone. I was hoping to wake up in his arms. I'm so scared of what my dad will say or do if he finds I told zayn. Oh god I hope zayn doesnt say anything.

"Harry open this door Now" I heard my father say. I gulp to scared to open the door just staring at it.

"HARRY OPEN THE DOOR" I jump opening the door looking down.

"Y-yes d-daddy" I tear up.

"Who were you talking to last night in here huh?? Your mother said she heard it" He glares.

"D-daddy n-no one i-i swear" I hold in sobs hoping he doesnt hit me.

"Liar" He spats.


"AH" I squeak holding my cheek sobbing.

"Stop fucking crying" He says pushing me down kicking me in my stomach.

"D-daddy please" I cry just wishing zayn was here to help me.

As he was coming to punch me in the face again Niall came in the room.

"S-sir z-zayn is here" He stuttered looking at me. I turned away feeling ashamed.

"Im coming down" My father says looking at me. "This isnt over" He smirks walking out with niall trailing behind him giving me a look of sympathy.


"Ahh zayn how are you this morning" Desmond says wiping his bruised hands and from what I can tell it was the hallway harry room is. I clench my jaw controlling my anger.

"Im doing fine sir." I say

"Great we have a long day today were gonna be selling drugs. Then we have to pick up a payment. This happens in a few hours. Also to make sure you will be staying here. Cant say no its just isn't an option" I nod my head at what he says.

"Okay.....Um can I use the bathroom" He laughed telling me to go. I walked away going to harrys room carefully closing his door locking it looking around his room to see a lump on his bed. I went to go sit by him feeling him shake.

"D-daddy n-no"He whimpers.

"Baby its me. Its zayn" As I say that he jumps up into my arms crying hard clinging to me. I rubbed his back patting his ass(Non perverted way) to cool him down.

"Shhh baby stop crying tell me what happened" I say wiping his tears.

"My dad heard your voice in my r-room h-he do-doesn't k-know i-it was you i-its j-just he k-knew so-someone w-was i-in here a-and h-he sm-smacked and kicked m-me" He sniffled I kiss his cheek seeing a bruise form there.

"Its okay baby im sorry I wasnt here to protect you......Help me help you" I say looking at him.

"What you mean?" he sniffles

"What if I can take you away from here.......What if you dont have to see your parents ever again?"

"H-how wi-will you do tha-that"

"You trust me" I say

"I-I trust y-you" he says looking me in the eyes Making me smirk.

Oh harry look what you've done.


What does zayn have in mind??

Will harry find out?

Do you hate desmond??

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