One Down

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"How you liking the club zayn?"Desmond says making me shrug.

"It s alright I guess" I say looking around trying to find someone I can fuck or at least a blowjob.

"Wanna snort this line with me" He asks I shake my head No. I dont do those drugs I do weed the good shit that other shit.....Hell no.

"Your loss" he snorts the line rubbing at his nose.

"Hey boss I'm going to use the bathroom" one of his minions say. He nodded his head going back to do his drugs making me get up following his "minion" in the bathroom.

"Why you fo-" I cut him off punching him in the face grabbing his arm turning him around pinning him against the wall.

"Scream ill blow your brains out" He nodded his head quickly. 

"What do you know about Malik family 2004" I say sitting him down pointing my gun.

"I-I know nothing of that please j-just let me go i-i wont tell b-boss"He looked close to tears.

"Wrong answer" I stab his thigh with a knife making him scream in agony.

"Tell me about the fucking family" I spat.

"H-he killed them b-because h-he didnt p-pay boss back" He says. Theres more to the damn story

"what else" I say twisting the knife causing him to scream.

"AHHHH fuck o-okay h-he......the man was having an affair with the b-bosses wife"He says crying.

My father cheated on my mother?? That had to be a lie we were always so happy and my mom loved him to death. My dad loved my mom to death.

"Liar" I shoot him in the head dragging his lifeless body in the stall leaving him there wiping off any blood of his that got on me. I walk out the bathroom going back to Desmond telling him i'm gonna go home ill come back tomorrow. When really I was gonna go see harry. I left the club catching a cab to his house climbing up harrys window tapping it.


I was currently siting down watching a movie hearing Light taps on my window I get up slowly opening it seeing zayn.

"Z-zayn what are you doing here? I thought you were doing a mission with my dad" I say letting him in.

"Sorry baby I just wanted to see your pretty ass face" He winks pulling me to him kissing my nose.

"Y-youre so sweet" I giggle blushing.

"So can I get that kiss now" He says brushing his lips against mine.

"Z-zayn I never k-kissed anyone before"I sigh looking down embarrassed.

"Ill guide you baby it will be okay" He lifts my chin.

"I-I o-okay" I bite my lip feeling him come closer and closer to my face putting his soft lips against mine. This is gonna sound so cliche but god his lips were so soft and the way hes kissing me made me lean into his touch feeling his tongue brush my bottom lip asking for entry. I give access feeling his tongue explore my mouth. He tasted like weed and apples I dont know what made me want more but the taste was so intoxicating. He pulled away kissing my neck sucking and nibbling lightly making me moan.

"Z-zayn" I breathed out feeling him brush my sweet spot. I never felt like this before I dont whether to push him off or to go further.

"Yes baby" He pulled away looking at me with lust filled eyes.

"I-I d-dont know what to do"I blush looking up a him.

"Ill show you" He said lifting me up throwing me on the bed spreading my legs getting in between them kissing me grinding on me slowly making me gasp.

"Z-zayn"I moan out bucking my hips.

"Yes princess you like me grinding on you huh I bet you want me inside of you" I moan at the thought kissing his neck moving to his chest seeing blood.


"Yes baby" he says biting my neck.

"Y-you ahh...y-you have b-blood on y-you"I whimper at him abusing my neck with his teeth and tongue.

"Shit" he pulled away taking off his shirt wiping it off" I looked at his chest in awe. He has so many tattoos.

God he is so hot.

"Damn babe like what you see" He smirked.

"N-no... but why do you have blood on you...." I ask.

"Um nothing important just business" he says taking off his pants making me gawk at him seeing the outline of his penis in his underwear.

"Aww baby doll dont worry you'll get it later" He says thrusting his hips towards me. 

"N-no...P-put your clothes back on" I say covering my eyes.

"What no I'm sleeping here with you baby cant I sleep with you?" I uncover my eyes seeing him pout giggling kissing his cheek. 

"O-okay you can sleep with me" I say laying down wearing my lace night gown. Zayn laid beside me pulling me to his chest kissing behind my ear.

"goodnight beautiful"

"Night zaynie" I smile snuggling closer into him.


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