Man down

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"Who's house is this and whats the move" I ask Desmond as we stand behind a tree looking at this creepy old ass house.

"The swifts a bitch named Taylor took drugs and money from me. She thought i wouldn't notice I want her dead and her kid" I looked him in disbelief. A kid? Thats not happening.

"Her kid isn't that over the top" I say looking at him.

"Hell no she deserve this her kid is already sick" I glare at him knowing he didn't notice. He gets up going to the house kicking the door in. I heard a scream it was a woman.

I get up and run to the back hopefully to find the kids room. Looking through door and door finally finding it seeing him fast asleep waking him up he looked about 6 or 5.

"w-who a-are you mister" he looked at me with big blue eyes.

"Im Zayn i need you to be very very quiet okay mommy going away for awhile so you're with me okay" he nodded his little head with tears in his eyes. I pick him up taking him to my separate car laying him the backseat

"you stay here dont make a sound or move okay!?" he nodded his head.

"Good" I run back in the house seeing Desmond hovering over a lifeless body.

"I checked everywhere the boy isnt in here" I say looking at him


After that command they did what they were told.

"Im going home desmond" I say

"Alright we have a deug pick up tomorrow at 2 pm not a second late" I nodded my head walking to my car seeing one of desmonds minion by it. His name was Chad.

"I seen the kid you took him away" I glare at him.

"He doesn't deserve to die" i say glaring at him.

"Lets see what boss thinks" He walks past bumping my shoulder. I chuckled thinking he was about to go and snitch. I'm not with the snitching.

I grabbed him by the shoulder making him turn around swinging I dodged it kicking him the stomach grabbing my knife plunging it into his right eyeball seeing blood gush out and him gasping. His blood was squirting out like sprinklers and he finally lied limp on the ground.

I dragged his body to the woods where its steep watching his body tumble down.

"Looks like another Man down" I smirk going to my car driving the kid to foster care.

After changing of course.

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