Story time

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"Z-zayn" I whimper looking at him hearing my father downstairs.

"B-baby he is not going to hurt you"He pecks my lips putting on clothes walking out the door hearing a click which probably means he locked it.

I put my ear against the door to hear what was happening.

"Zayn I should've known you were behind all this" my father says. "What me behind what?"zayn says.

"My men were dying left and right or becoming happened when you started working tell me zayn what the fuck is your game. I will gladly kill you and hang your head in my office." My father boomed. 

"I will like to see you fucking try. You're in my territory"

"I know who you are" my father says.

"Who might that be Desmond" zayn questions.

"You're a Malik....Yasers son" My father chuckled a bitterly. I heard about the Maliks....Yaser was also a drug lord but was having an affair with my mom.

"Ding ding killed my family you took my happiness away from me. So tell me the fucking story Desmond or i swear ill kill everyone you love" Zayn says making me twist the doorknob trying to open the door but no avail. 

Fuck zayn.

"So tell me desmond whats the real reason you killed my family....My mom, my sister, my father."

"Your father deserved to die. you think your father was a saint!?!? well he wasn't. your father had an affair with my wife. he took her love away from me. my wife fell in love with him. she was going to leave me. for him." My father started. I grabbed a hair pin trying to pick the lock having a feeling somethings bad is going to happen.

"I went to confront him about it only to find out he had a family of his own. I found that out and knew his life was going to end."my father laughed and began again. "I walked into his house one afternoon. Your father had stolen money from me. he didnt know that i knew about the affair. i grabbed your mother and might i say she was a beautiful women" My father chuckled darkly. Once i got the lock i ran downstairs seeing zayn tearing up fist balled.

"I shot her right in the head her blood splattered in my face i felt accomplished. your father lunged at me shot him. your poor poor pathetic sister got shot next....Best fucking day of my life" He says looking Zayn in the eye.

"DAD STOP" I scream going to him.

"S-stop just fucking stop" I cry looking at him.

"Desmond you should know your son has a tight ass....i was just fucking him into oblivion not to long ago and might i say your wife is pretty hot no wonder she wanted to cheat on you you obviously wasn't giving it to her right" zayn says darkly. 

Next thing that happened i couldn't even process it.



How do you feel on the back story?

do you agree with Desmond for killing his family?

what do you think happened next?

will zayn and harry be okay??

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